Filter Results
- Photography (109) [-]
- American South (108) [-]
- Communities (108) [-]
- Education (52) [-]
- Youth (42) [-]
- Rural life (40) [-]
- Children (39) [-]
- Family (23) [-]
- Domestic life (17) [-]
- Agriculture (13) [-]
- Motherhood (6) [-]
- Holidays and festivals (2) [-]
- Labor unions (2) [-]
- Child musicians (1) [-]
- Craftsmanship (1) [-]
- Folklife (1) [-]
- Segregation (1) [-]
- Olson, Martha (108) [-]
- Barnes, Otho (10) [-]
- Patton, Edgar Earl (7) [-]
- Patton, Brady (6) [-]
- Howard, Mora (5) [-]
- Irvin, Josephine (5) [-]
- Magee, Emma Minnie (5) [-]
- Patton, Leneatha (5) [-]
- Patton, Steven Renee (5) [-]
- Waller, Sandra (5) [-]
- Barnes, Anna (4) [-]
- Holmes, Christine (4) [-]
- Patton, Lovie (4) [-]
- Waller, Ilene (4) [-]
- Williams, Annie Lee (4) [-]
- Abram, Ida Belle (3) [-]
- Jefferson, Eddie May (3) [-]
- Johnson, Deloris (3) [-]
- Johnson, Janice (3) [-]
- Nelson, Ida Mae (3) [-]
- Porter, Deloris (3) [-]
- Waller, Claudine (3) [-]
- Watts, Noreen (3) [-]
- Bell, Marion (2) [-]
- Ford, Collie (2) [-]
- Goff, Chrystelle Magee (2) [-]
- Holmes, Alva (2) [-]
- Irvin, Alice (2) [-]
- Jefferson, Naomi (2) [-]
- Johnson, Irean (2) [-]
- May, Lavada (2) [-]
- Peters, Loretta (2) [-]
- Sartin, Norma Pearl (2) [-]
- Taylor, Betty (2) [-]
- Taylor, Michael (2) [-]
- Abram, Sandra Sue (1) [-]
- Benjamin, Gwen (1) [-]
- Benjamin-Walker, Cheryl (1) [-]
- Bias, Randy (1) [-]
- Bullock, Randy (1) [-]
- Cyrus, Mamie (1) [-]
- Dieterman, Sunday (1) [-]
- Ford, Annie Beatrice (1) [-]
- Ford, Edna Lou (1) [-]
- Griffin, Cynthia (1) [-]
- Haynes, Clemmie (1) [-]
- Haynes, Lillie Pearl (1) [-]
- Haynes, Maggie Pearl (1) [-]
- Holmes, Bertia Mae Irvin (1) [-]
- Irvin, Rose Mary (1) [-]
- Jackson, Myree Aikens (1) [-]
- Lewis, Sandra (1) [-]
- Magee, Shirley Ann (1) [-]
- Newsome, Edna Rae (1) [-]
- Parker, Laura (1) [-]
- Patton, Queen Esther (1) [-]
- Pittman, Carrie May (1) [-]
- Porter, Booker T. (1) [-]
- Robertson, Katherine (1) [-]
- Sartin, Willie (1) [-]
- Stepney, Willimina (1) [-]
- Sullivan, Maxine (1) [-]
- Taylor, Bobby (1) [-]
- The Northland Studios (1) [-]
- Toney Cobbins, Gwen (1) [-]
- Waller, Deborah Stepney (1) [-]
- North and Central America (109) [-]
- United States (109) [-]
- Mississippi (108) [-]
- Columbia (55) [-]
- Allegheny County (1) [-]
- Chicago (1) [-]
- Cleveland (1) [-]
- Cook County (1) [-]
- Cuyahoga County (1) [-]
- Detroit (1) [-]
- Illinois (1) [-]
- Indianapolis (1) [-]
- Lucas County (1) [-]
- Michigan (1) [-]
- Ohio (1) [-]
- Pennsylvania (1) [-]
- Pittsburgh (1) [-]
- Toledo (1) [-]
- Wayne County (1) [-]