Filter Results
- Photography (97) [-]
- Medicine (84) [-]
- Activism (78) [-]
- Education (74) [-]
- Social reform (68) [-]
- Associations and institutions (67) [-]
- Black Enterprise (67) [-]
- Women's organizations (65) [-]
- Midwifery (61) [-]
- Health (60) [-]
- Politics (60) [-]
- Rural life (59) [-]
- Women's Club Movement (58) [-]
- Suffrage (56) [-]
- Labor unions (54) [-]
- Family (43) [-]
- Children (40) [-]
- Motherhood (35) [-]
- Segregation (27) [-]
- U.S. History, 1945-1953 (23) [-]
- Military (22) [-]
- Clothing and dress (21) [-]
- Nursing (21) [-]
- Business (19) [-]
- Singers (Musicians) (17) [-]
- Actors and actresses (16) [-]
- Communities (16) [-]
- Sports (16) [-]
- Black Press (15) [-]
- Tennis (14) [-]
- Cosmetics (11) [-]
- Society (11) [-]
- Athletes (10) [-]
- Beauty salons (Beauty shops) (10) [-]
- Beauty schools (10) [-]
- WW II (10) [-]
- World War, 1939-1945 (10) [-]
- Civil rights (8) [-]
- Broadway Theatre (7) [-]
- Fashion (7) [-]
- Design (6) [-]
- American South (4) [-]
- Cvil Rights (4) [-]
- Government (4) [-]
- Millinery (4) [-]
- U.S. History, 1953-1961 (4) [-]
- Advertising (3) [-]
- Art (3) [-]
- Beauty culture (3) [-]
- Domestic life (3) [-]
- HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) (3) [-]
- Men (3) [-]
- Religion (3) [-]
- Resistance (3) [-]
- Sororities (3) [-]
- Violence (3) [-]
- Humanitarianism (2) [-]
- Jazz (Music) (2) [-]
- Mass media (2) [-]
- Parenthood (2) [-]
- Pullman Porters (2) [-]
- Race relations (2) [-]
- Religious rituals and ceremonies (2) [-]
- The Black Church (2) [-]
- American West (1) [-]
- Amusements (1) [-]
- Baseball (1) [-]
- Black interiors (1) [-]
- Cooking (1) [-]
- Correspondence (1) [-]
- Dance (1) [-]
- Description and travel (1) [-]
- Dinners and dining (1) [-]
- Discrimination (1) [-]
- Entertainers (1) [-]
- Freemasons (1) [-]
- Funeral rites and ceremonies (1) [-]
- Hair (1) [-]
- Hate crimes (1) [-]
- Journalism (1) [-]
- Justice (1) [-]
- Literature (1) [-]
- Marriage (1) [-]
- Moral Re-Armament (MRA) (1) [-]
- Motion pictures (1) [-]
- Nightlife (1) [-]
- Poverty (1) [-]
- Prisons (1) [-]
- Race (1) [-]
- Recreation (1) [-]
- Self-liberation (1) [-]
- Slavery (1) [-]
- Societies (1) [-]
- Transportation (1) [-]
- Tuskegee Airmen (1) [-]
- U.S. History, 1933-1945 (1) [-]
- United States History (1) [-]
- Urban life (1) [-]
- Albrier, Frances M. (60) [-]
- National Council of Negro Women (56) [-]
- San Francisco Chapter of the National Council of Negro Women (55) [-]
- Bakht, Igor (33) [-]
- Coley, Mary Francis Hill (33) [-]
- Galbraith, Robert (33) [-]
- Lomax, Louise Virginia (21) [-]
- Smith, W. Eugene (19) [-]
- Sapp, Martha Butler (18) [-]
- Callen, Maude E. (16) [-]
- Barnett, Etta Moten (15) [-]
- Gibson, Althea (14) [-]
- Allen, Floyd Green (13) [-]
- Cox Studio (12) [-]
- The Sun-Reporter (12) [-]
- Carter, Amanda Carey (11) [-]
- United States Army Air Force (11) [-]
- Brown, Lucille (10) [-]
- Poro College (10) [-]
- United States Army (10) [-]
- March, Ruth N. (9) [-]
- San Francisco Independent (9) [-]
- Diggs, Charles Cole (8) [-]
- Sutton, Isaac (8) [-]
- Waterbury Button Company (8) [-]
- Black Fashion Museum (7) [-]
- J.B. Coleman Photo (7) [-]
- Wilkins, J. Ernest (7) [-]
- Goodlett, Carlton B. (6) [-]
- Lowe, Ann (6) [-]
- Moore, Boliver B. (6) [-]
- Rumford, William Byron (6) [-]
- Williams, Eddye Keaton (6) [-]
- Blalock, Joan (5) [-]
- Hammond, Yvette (5) [-]
- Thomas, William Mckinley (5) [-]
- White, Lurline (5) [-]
- Anderson, Henry Clay (4) [-]
- Hughes, Ida Mae (4) [-]
- Mae's Millinery Shop (4) [-]
- Reeves, Mae (4) [-]
- Virginia Department of Health (4) [-]
- Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated (3) [-]
- Bethune, Mary McLeod (3) [-]
- Buckner, Illa (3) [-]
- Buford, Margaret (3) [-]
- Carter, Lulu (3) [-]
- Edwards, Sallie (3) [-]
- Gumbs, Gertrude B. (3) [-]
- Henderson, Janet (3) [-]
- Layne, Cecil (3) [-]
- Leeds, Claire (3) [-]
- Lovett, Joan (3) [-]
- McKinney, Joan (3) [-]
- Miller, Dola (3) [-]
- Mitchell, Gloria (3) [-]
- Morrison, Lucille (3) [-]
- Seawell, Wallace (3) [-]
- Staton, Beulah (3) [-]
- Tubman, Harriet (3) [-]
- Waldorf, Dolores (3) [-]
- Williams, Cathryn (3) [-]
- Wise, Esther (3) [-]
- American Tennis Association (2) [-]
- Barnett, Claude Albert (2) [-]
- Brown, Rosalie (2) [-]
- Bryant, Florence Stephens (2) [-]
- Carey, Susie (2) [-]
- Demming, Alice (2) [-]
- Harding, Olivia (2) [-]
- Harris, Charles H. (2) [-]
- Hooey, Jo (2) [-]
- Humphrey, Josephine (2) [-]
- Klingel, Alma (2) [-]
- Madam C.J. Walker Manufacturing Company (2) [-]
- March, Millicent (2) [-]
- McFarland, Ivy Regina (2) [-]
- Mississippi Valley State University (2) [-]
- Moore, Harriette Vyda Simms (2) [-]
- National Urban League (2) [-]
- Nixon, Lillian (2) [-]
- Oakland Ladies Auxiliary to the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters (2) [-]
- Reece, Mary L. (2) [-]
- San Francisco Examiner (2) [-]
- Sapp, Alvin G. (2) [-]
- Scales, Mattie B. (2) [-]
- Schieffer, Patricia Penrose (2) [-]
- Staton, Frances (2) [-]
- The Links, Incorporated (2) [-]
- Thomas, Julia Mae (2) [-]
- Tomczak, Eric (2) [-]
- Walker, Madam C.J. (2) [-]
- Waller, Mattie (2) [-]
- Williams, Ruby Lee (2) [-]
- Wilson Sporting Goods Co. (2) [-]
- Adams, Alexander L. (1) [-]
- Alston, Charles Henry (1) [-]
- American Red Cross (1) [-]
- Anderson, Malcolm (1) [-]
- Austin, Edith M (1) [-]
- Photographs (111) [-]
- Portraits (52) [-]
- Clippings (information artifacts) (27) [-]
- Insignias (12) [-]
- Buttons (8) [-]
- Buttons (fasteners) (8) [-]
- Dresses (garments) (7) [-]
- Financial records (4) [-]
- Price lists (4) [-]
- Magazines (periodicals) (3) [-]
- Pamphlets (3) [-]
- Recipes (3) [-]
- Advertisements (2) [-]
- Facsimiles (reproductions) (2) [-]
- Fliers (printed matter) (2) [-]
- Permits (2) [-]
- Pins (jewelry) (2) [-]
- Postcards (2) [-]
- Tags (2) [-]
- Rackets (sports equipment) (2) [-]
- Synopses (2) [-]
- 45 rpm records (1) [-]
- Agendas (administrative records) (1) [-]
- Belts (costume accessories) (1) [-]
- Books (1) [-]
- Buttons (information artifacts) (1) [-]
- Canisters (1) [-]
- Certificates (1) [-]
- Covers (overlying objects) (1) [-]
- Documents (1) [-]
- Dog tags (1) [-]
- Envelopes (1) [-]
- Hardcover books (1) [-]
- Hats (1) [-]
- Identity cards (1) [-]
- Legal documents (1) [-]
- Lithographs (1) [-]
- Logos (1) [-]
- Membership lists (1) [-]
- Memorandums (1) [-]
- Notes (1) [-]
- Outlines (1) [-]
- Paintings (1) [-]
- Pendants (jewelry) (1) [-]
- Perfume bottles (1) [-]
- Periodicals (1) [-]
- Posters (1) [-]
- Programs (documents) (1) [-]
- Purses (bags) (1) [-]
- Reports (1) [-]
- Settees (1) [-]
- Side chairs (1) [-]
- Stickers (1) [-]
- Telegrams (1) [-]
- Woodcuts (prints) (1) [-]
- Black-and-white prints (photographs) (1) [-]
- Curling irons (1) [-]
- Flow charts (1) [-]
- Form letters (1) [-]
- Group portraits (1) [-]
- Jackets (1) [-]
- Lockets (1) [-]
- Sewing machines (equipment) (1) [-]
- Summaries (1) [-]
- Wrist watches (1) [-]
- North and Central America (190) [-]
- United States (189) [-]
- California (60) [-]
- San Francisco (59) [-]
- Georgia (36) [-]
- Albany (33) [-]
- Dougherty County (33) [-]
- Alabama (22) [-]
- Macon County (20) [-]
- Tuskegee (20) [-]
- Berkeley County (19) [-]
- South Carolina (19) [-]
- Virginia (10) [-]
- Farmville (9) [-]
- New York City (9) [-]
- Prince Edward County (9) [-]
- Maryland (7) [-]
- Pennsylvania (6) [-]
- Chicago (5) [-]
- Cook County (5) [-]
- Illinois (5) [-]
- Missouri (5) [-]
- Saint Louis (5) [-]
- Mississippi (4) [-]
- Philadelphia (4) [-]
- Greenville (3) [-]
- Pineville (3) [-]
- Prince George's County (3) [-]
- Washington County (3) [-]
- Allegheny County (2) [-]
- Atlanta (2) [-]
- Brevard County (2) [-]
- District of Columbia (2) [-]
- Florida (2) [-]
- Fulton County (2) [-]
- Mims (2) [-]
- New Carrollton (2) [-]
- Pittsburgh (2) [-]
- Washington (2) [-]
- Africa (1) [-]
- Alameda County (1) [-]
- Anne Arundel County (1) [-]
- Baltimore (1) [-]
- Berkeley (1) [-]
- Brazil (1) [-]
- Cambridge (1) [-]
- Choctaw County (1) [-]
- Dorchester County (1) [-]
- Europe (1) [-]
- Germany (1) [-]
- Highland Beach (1) [-]
- Latin America (1) [-]
- Mackinac County (1) [-]
- Mackinac Island (1) [-]
- Memphis (1) [-]
- Michigan (1) [-]
- Montgomery (1) [-]
- New Hanover County (1) [-]
- New York (1) [-]
- North Carolina (1) [-]
- Oklahoma (1) [-]
- Prince Edward (1) [-]
- Richmond (1) [-]
- Schley County (1) [-]
- Shelby County (1) [-]
- South America (1) [-]
- Tennessee (1) [-]
- Tulsa (1) [-]
- Tulsa County (1) [-]
- Webster Avenue, Hill District (1) [-]
- Weir (1) [-]
- Wilmington (1) [-]
- United States (1) [-]