Filter Results
- Jazz (Music) (168) [-]
- Composers (Musicians) (99) [-]
- Singers (Musicians) (97) [-]
- Music (65) [-]
- Conductors (Musicians) (22) [-]
- Gospel (Music) (17) [-]
- Nightlife (17) [-]
- Entertainers (16) [-]
- Radio (14) [-]
- Rock and roll (Music) (12) [-]
- Rhythm and blues (Music) (11) [-]
- Art (10) [-]
- Resistance (10) [-]
- American South (7) [-]
- Civil rights (7) [-]
- Band (Music) (6) [-]
- Communities (6) [-]
- Cvil Rights (6) [-]
- Segregation (6) [-]
- Business (5) [-]
- Children (5) [-]
- Dance (5) [-]
- Harlem Renaissance (New Negro Movement) (5) [-]
- Literature (5) [-]
- Theatre (5) [-]
- Pentecostal (4) [-]
- Technology (4) [-]
- Actors and actresses (3) [-]
- American West (3) [-]
- Child musicians (3) [-]
- Latin jazz (Music) (3) [-]
- Soul (Music) (3) [-]
- Activism (2) [-]
- Afrofuturism (2) [-]
- Amusements (2) [-]
- Buffalo Soldiers (2) [-]
- Comedy (2) [-]
- Marching bands (Music) (2) [-]
- Military (2) [-]
- Society (2) [-]
- African American - Latinx Solidarity (1) [-]
- Bebop (Music) (1) [-]
- Classical (Music) (1) [-]
- Description and travel (1) [-]
- Education (1) [-]
- Family (1) [-]
- Fatherhood (1) [-]
- Folk (Music) (1) [-]
- Funeral rites and ceremonies (1) [-]
- Funk (Music) (1) [-]
- Hip-hop (Music) (1) [-]
- Housing (1) [-]
- Minstrel (Music) (1) [-]
- Motion pictures (1) [-]
- Musicians (1) [-]
- Orchestral (Music) (1) [-]
- Politics (1) [-]
- Poor People's Campaign (1) [-]
- Poverty (1) [-]
- Ragtime (Music) (1) [-]
- Reconstruction, U.S. History, 1865-1877 (1) [-]
- Recreation (1) [-]
- Reggae (Music) (1) [-]
- U.S. History, 1961-1969 (1) [-]
- U.S. History, 1969-2001 (1) [-]
- Urban life (1) [-]
- Women (1) [-]
- Spitzer, David D. (154) [-]
- Simone, Nina (16) [-]
- Hawkins, Bill (12) [-]
- Gotfryd, Bernard (11) [-]
- Tharpe, Sister Rosetta (11) [-]
- Blake, Eubie (10) [-]
- Walker, Bobbiegita (10) [-]
- Joyce, James A. (9) [-]
- Anderson, Henry Clay (7) [-]
- Cryer, Terry (7) [-]
- Bill Hawkins’ Record Studio (6) [-]
- Walker, Barbara (6) [-]
- Baldwin, James (5) [-]
- Barboza, Anthony (5) [-]
- Battelle, Hughey J. (5) [-]
- Gillespie, Dizzy (5) [-]
- Armstrong, Louis (4) [-]
- Burkhardt Brewing Company (4) [-]
- Williams, Felton W. (4) [-]
- Associated Booking Corporation (3) [-]
- Basie, Count (3) [-]
- Bentley, Gladys (3) [-]
- Bostic, Earl (3) [-]
- Brown, Paul (3) [-]
- Davis, Miles Dewey (3) [-]
- Edison, Harry (3) [-]
- Ellington, Duke (3) [-]
- Lunceford, Jimmie (3) [-]
- Middleton, Velma (3) [-]
- Scott, Hazel (3) [-]
- WDOK 1260 (3) [-]
- Williams, Mary Lou (3) [-]
- American Record Corporation (2) [-]
- Anderson, Ivie (2) [-]
- Bernard, Bruno (2) [-]
- Bowie, Lester (2) [-]
- Brackman, Al (2) [-]
- Braxton, Anthony (2) [-]
- Breckenridge, Paul (2) [-]
- Calvert Studio (2) [-]
- Carlisle, Una Mae (2) [-]
- Cathrell, Laura (2) [-]
- Cioce, Angela (2) [-]
- Eastman Kodak Company (2) [-]
- Edison, Birdie Warfield (2) [-]
- Glaser, Joe (2) [-]
- King, B.B. (2) [-]
- Kriegsmann, James J. (2) [-]
- Little Milton (2) [-]
- Lunceford Artists, Inc. (2) [-]
- Master Records, Inc. (2) [-]
- Mills, Irving (2) [-]
- Moreland, Mantan (2) [-]
- Newman, Joseph Dwight (2) [-]
- Oxley, Harold (2) [-]
- Ra, Sun (2) [-]
- Rossner, Harry (2) [-]
- Schwamenthal, Riccardo (2) [-]
- Simmons, Lee (2) [-]
- Sullivan, Maxine (2) [-]
- Vinson, Eddie (2) [-]
- WEW (2) [-]
- Washington, Dinah (2) [-]
- Williams, Arthur M. (2) [-]
- Williams, George (2) [-]
- Williams, Paul (2) [-]
- 10th Cavalry Regiment (1) [-]
- Adams, George Rufus (1) [-]
- Adderley, Nathaniel (1) [-]
- Allen, Harry (1) [-]
- Allison, Luther (1) [-]
- Altschuler, Richard W. (1) [-]
- Alvis, Hayes (1) [-]
- Andress, Tuck (1) [-]
- Arsene Studio (1) [-]
- Aufbau (1) [-]
- Austin, Charles (1) [-]
- Baker, Edward L. (1) [-]
- Bell, Carey (1) [-]
- Benabib, Michael (1) [-]
- Black Star (1) [-]
- Blakey, Art (1) [-]
- Blanchard, Terence Oliver (1) [-]
- Bloom Photography (1) [-]
- Bluiett, Hamiet (1) [-]
- Blythe, Arthur (1) [-]
- Bowden, H. (1) [-]
- Brown, Charles (1) [-]
- Brown, Clarence "Gatemouth" (1) [-]
- Brown, Robert L. "Tobe" (1) [-]
- Bryant, Joyce (1) [-]
- Bryant, Ray (1) [-]
- Burrell, Kenneth Earl (1) [-]
- Byard, John Arthur (1) [-]
- Café Society (1) [-]
- Calloway, Cab (1) [-]
- Calumet Studio (1) [-]
- Cambridge, Godfrey (1) [-]
- Carney, Harry (1) [-]
- Carter, Ron (1) [-]
- North and Central America (211) [-]
- United States (211) [-]
- Florida (99) [-]
- New York City (58) [-]
- Miami-Dade County (45) [-]
- Broward County (40) [-]
- Fort Lauderdale (32) [-]
- Miami (22) [-]
- Charlotte (12) [-]
- Cleveland (12) [-]
- Mecklenburg County (12) [-]
- North Carolina (12) [-]
- Ohio (12) [-]
- Clearwater (11) [-]
- Pinellas County (11) [-]
- Cuyahoga County (10) [-]
- Europe (10) [-]
- Hialeah (9) [-]
- Hollywood (8) [-]
- England (7) [-]
- Greenville (7) [-]
- Miami Beach (7) [-]
- Mississippi (7) [-]
- United Kingdom (7) [-]
- Washington County (7) [-]
- Chicago (5) [-]
- Cook County (5) [-]
- Illinois (5) [-]
- Canada (4) [-]
- Ontario (4) [-]
- Toronto (4) [-]
- Coconut Grove (3) [-]
- Coral Gables (3) [-]
- Idaho (3) [-]
- Latah County (3) [-]
- Moscow (3) [-]
- North Miami (3) [-]
- Palm Beach County (3) [-]
- Pennsylvania (3) [-]
- Philadelphia (3) [-]
- Antibes (2) [-]
- Boca Raton (2) [-]
- Cayuhoga County (2) [-]
- District of Columbia (2) [-]
- France (2) [-]
- Leeds (2) [-]
- National Mall (2) [-]
- Provence-Alpes-CĂ´te d'Azur (2) [-]
- Washington (2) [-]
- West Yorkshire (2) [-]
- Alabama (1) [-]
- Asia (1) [-]
- Belgium (1) [-]
- Bronx (1) [-]
- Brussels (1) [-]
- Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest (1) [-]
- California (1) [-]
- Caribbean (1) [-]
- Charleston (1) [-]
- Charleston County (1) [-]
- Delray Beach (1) [-]
- Dickinson (1) [-]
- Florence (1) [-]
- Greene County (1) [-]
- Harlem (1) [-]
- Harris County (1) [-]
- Houston (1) [-]
- Jamaica (1) [-]
- Japan (1) [-]
- Kingston (1) [-]
- Lauderdale County (1) [-]
- Los Angeles (1) [-]
- Louisiana (1) [-]
- Manhattan (1) [-]
- Memphis (1) [-]
- Missouri (1) [-]
- New Orleans (1) [-]
- North Dakota (1) [-]
- Oklahoma (1) [-]
- Port of Spain (1) [-]
- Richmond (1) [-]
- Shelby County (1) [-]
- South Carolina (1) [-]
- South Miami (1) [-]
- Springfield (1) [-]
- Stark County (1) [-]
- Surrey (1) [-]
- Tennessee (1) [-]
- Texas (1) [-]
- Trinidad and Tobago (1) [-]
- Tulsa (1) [-]
- Tulsa County (1) [-]
- Virginia (1) [-]
Your search found 299 result(s).