Filter Results
- Military (55) [-]
- WW I (47) [-]
- World War, 1914-1918 (47) [-]
- Photography (30) [-]
- Literature (21) [-]
- Singers (Musicians) (18) [-]
- Description and travel (15) [-]
- Colonies (14) [-]
- Jazz (Music) (14) [-]
- Clothing and dress (13) [-]
- Entertainers (13) [-]
- French colonialism (13) [-]
- Fashion (12) [-]
- Women (12) [-]
- African diaspora (11) [-]
- Freedom (11) [-]
- Instrumentalists (Musicians) (11) [-]
- Group identity (10) [-]
- Art (9) [-]
- Gender issues (9) [-]
- International affairs (9) [-]
- Cooking (8) [-]
- Dinners and dining (8) [-]
- Nightlife (8) [-]
- Mass media (7) [-]
- Correspondence (6) [-]
- Race relations (6) [-]
- WW II (6) [-]
- World War, 1939-1945 (6) [-]
- Business (5) [-]
- Government (5) [-]
- U.S. History, 1969-2001 (5) [-]
- Activism (4) [-]
- Advertising (4) [-]
- Black Press (4) [-]
- Design (4) [-]
- Education (4) [-]
- Family (4) [-]
- Men (4) [-]
- Poetry (4) [-]
- Religion (4) [-]
- Social reform (4) [-]
- Society (4) [-]
- U.S. History, 1865-1921 (4) [-]
- Actors and actresses (3) [-]
- American West (3) [-]
- Associations and institutions (3) [-]
- Band (Music) (3) [-]
- Broadway Theatre (3) [-]
- Civil rights (3) [-]
- Communication (3) [-]
- Decolonization (3) [-]
- Gospel (Music) (3) [-]
- Labor unions (3) [-]
- Lynching (3) [-]
- Music (3) [-]
- Nature (3) [-]
- Anti-Lynching Movement (2) [-]
- Anti-slavery movements (2) [-]
- Composers (Musicians) (2) [-]
- Hate crimes (2) [-]
- Language and languages (2) [-]
- Law (2) [-]
- Medicine (2) [-]
- Motion pictures (2) [-]
- Politics (2) [-]
- Resistance (2) [-]
- Rock and roll (Music) (2) [-]
- Self-liberation (2) [-]
- Slavery (2) [-]
- Sports (2) [-]
- Abolitionist movement (1) [-]
- Agriculture (1) [-]
- American South (1) [-]
- Antislavery (1) [-]
- Architecture (1) [-]
- Athletes (1) [-]
- British colonialism (1) [-]
- Buffalo Soldiers (1) [-]
- Communities (1) [-]
- Conductors (Musicians) (1) [-]
- Costume (1) [-]
- Discrimination (1) [-]
- Domestic life (1) [-]
- Domestic slave trade (1) [-]
- Folklife (1) [-]
- Fugitive enslaved (1) [-]
- Great Migration (African American), 1910-1930 (1) [-]
- HIV/AIDS Activist Movement (1) [-]
- Hair (1) [-]
- Harlem Renaissance (New Negro Movement) (1) [-]
- Health (1) [-]
- Holidays and festivals (1) [-]
- Justice (1) [-]
- LGBTQ (1) [-]
- Marching bands (Music) (1) [-]
- Migrations (1) [-]
- Motherhood (1) [-]
- Musical Theatre (1) [-]
- Olympics (1) [-]
- United States Army Signal Corps (14) [-]
- 92d Infantry Division (13) [-]
- Baldwin, James (13) [-]
- Scott, Hazel (11) [-]
- 369th Infantry Regiment (8) [-]
- French Republic (7) [-]
- McVey,, Lawrence Leslie (7) [-]
- 366th Infantry Regiment (6) [-]
- Allan Kemble and Christine (6) [-]
- Coquatrix, Bruno (6) [-]
- Guétary, Georges (6) [-]
- Latona, Graham and Chadel (6) [-]
- Laure, Odette (6) [-]
- Meller, Carmiliti (6) [-]
- Morin, Simone (6) [-]
- Morway, Les (6) [-]
- Olympia Hall (6) [-]
- Rubio, Nino (6) [-]
- Yarbrough, Hattye T. (6) [-]
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (4) [-]
- P. Page's Apothicaire à Rodez (4) [-]
- Powell, Colin L. (4) [-]
- 317th Motor Supply Train (3) [-]
- Du Bois, W. E. B. (William Edward Burghardt) (3) [-]
- Grand Chancery of the Legion of Honor (3) [-]
- Haley, Alex (3) [-]
- Hermès International S.A. (3) [-]
- Jackson, Wallace B. "Jack" (3) [-]
- Oliver, Kermit (3) [-]
- Tharpe, Sister Rosetta (3) [-]
- The Crisis (3) [-]
- 367th Infantry Regiment (2) [-]
- 372nd Infantry Regiment (2) [-]
- Baldwin, David (2) [-]
- Barnett, Etta Moten (2) [-]
- Bartholomé, Albert (2) [-]
- Calmeise, Oscar (2) [-]
- Chauvet (2) [-]
- Compagnie antilles (2) [-]
- Eastman Kodak Company (2) [-]
- Holman, Linda (2) [-]
- Holman, Michael (2) [-]
- Johnson, Georgia Douglas (2) [-]
- Jones, Loïs Mailou (2) [-]
- Littée, Edgar (2) [-]
- Schwamenthal, Riccardo (2) [-]
- United States Armed Forces (2) [-]
- Wood, Pauline Thompson (2) [-]
- 325th Field Signal Battalion (1) [-]
- 368th Infantry Regiment (1) [-]
- 371st Infantry Regiment (1) [-]
- AIDS Coalition To Unleash Power (1) [-]
- Abele, Julian Francis (1) [-]
- African National Congress (1) [-]
- African-American Lesbian and Gay Alliance (1) [-]
- American Legion (1) [-]
- Bailey (1) [-]
- Bailey Banks & Biddle (1) [-]
- Baker, Newton D. (1) [-]
- Ballou, Charles Clarendon (1) [-]
- Barry, Marion Shepilov (1) [-]
- Bean, Carl (1) [-]
- Bechet, Sidney (1) [-]
- Bell, Alan (1) [-]
- Benoit-Jeannette, Armand (1) [-]
- Biaud, L. (1) [-]
- Black Gay and Lesbian Leadership Forum (1) [-]
- Bonaparte, Napoleon (1) [-]
- Branger, Maurice-Louis (1) [-]
- Burgess, Andrew (1) [-]
- Calloway, Cab (1) [-]
- Clark, Ed (1) [-]
- Clarke, Grant (1) [-]
- Coatsaliou, Yves (1) [-]
- Colt's Manufacturing Company (1) [-]
- Columbus, Christopher (1) [-]
- Cook, Julian Abele (1) [-]
- Cotter, Joseph Seamon (1) [-]
- Davis, George (1) [-]
- Delaney, Beauford (1) [-]
- Douglass, Frederick (1) [-]
- Essex Press, Inc. (1) [-]
- Farrow, William McKnight (1) [-]
- Fauset, Jessie Redmon (1) [-]
- French Foreign Legion (1) [-]
- GMHC (1) [-]
- Gardère, Paul Claude (1) [-]
- Gay and Lesbian Organization of Witwatersrand (1) [-]
- Gerald, Gilberto (1) [-]
- Gershwin, Ira (1) [-]
- Gordon, Ruth (1) [-]
- Gre´goire, Henri (1) [-]
- Guilleminot (1) [-]
- H. Caramell (1) [-]
- Hall, Adelaide (1) [-]
- Hampton, Lionel (1) [-]
- Harris, Jed (1) [-]
- Henri Teterger (1) [-]
- Herman Darewski Music Publishing Co Ltd. (1) [-]
- Hill, Marjorie (1) [-]
- Photographs (41) [-]
- Postcards (18) [-]
- Portraits (12) [-]
- Tumblers (drinking glasses) (7) [-]
- Souvenirs (6) [-]
- Correspondence (5) [-]
- Magazines (periodicals) (5) [-]
- Apothecary bottles (4) [-]
- Medals (3) [-]
- Military records (3) [-]
- Paintings (3) [-]
- Scarves (costume accessories) (3) [-]
- 8mm (photographic film size) (2) [-]
- Badges (2) [-]
- Books (2) [-]
- Certificates (2) [-]
- Hardcover books (2) [-]
- Home movies (2) [-]
- Newspapers (2) [-]
- Color films (visual works) (2) [-]
- Commemorative medals (2) [-]
- Regalia (2) [-]
- Silent films (2) [-]
- 45 rpm records (1) [-]
- Acrylic paintings (visual works) (1) [-]
- Articles (1) [-]
- Ashtrays (1) [-]
- Autobiographies (1) [-]
- Diaries (1) [-]
- Documents (1) [-]
- Frames (1) [-]
- Guidebooks (1) [-]
- Helmets (1) [-]
- Inkwells (1) [-]
- Multimedia works (1) [-]
- Noisemakers (1) [-]
- Poems (1) [-]
- Programs (documents) (1) [-]
- Record covers (1) [-]
- Sheet music (1) [-]
- Socks (1) [-]
- Visiting cards (1) [-]
- Watercolors (paintings) (1) [-]
- Canteens (containers) (1) [-]
- Champagne glasses (1) [-]
- Pistols (1) [-]
- Stereoscopic cameras (1) [-]
- Europe (120) [-]
- North and Central America (34) [-]
- United States (22) [-]
- Paris (21) [-]
- Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (17) [-]
- Caribbean (12) [-]
- Latin America (12) [-]
- Saint-Paul-de-Vence (11) [-]
- Asia (10) [-]
- Chennai (9) [-]
- India (9) [-]
- Tamil Nadu (9) [-]
- Lorraine (8) [-]
- Madras (8) [-]
- New York City (8) [-]
- Normandy (6) [-]
- Martinique (5) [-]
- Champagne-Ardenne (4) [-]
- England (4) [-]
- 13 Rue du Dr. M. Provencal (3) [-]
- Ainvelle (3) [-]
- Cagnes-sur-Mer (3) [-]
- Guadeloupe (3) [-]
- Illinois (3) [-]
- Massachusetts (3) [-]
- Rhône-Alpes (3) [-]
- Rodez (3) [-]
- Texas (3) [-]
- West Africa (3) [-]
- Antibes (2) [-]
- Belleville (2) [-]
- Binarville (2) [-]
- Boston (2) [-]
- Chicago (2) [-]
- Cook County (2) [-]
- District of Columbia (2) [-]
- London (2) [-]
- Lyon (2) [-]
- Michigan (2) [-]
- North Carolina (2) [-]
- Pointe-à-Pitre (2) [-]
- South Africa (2) [-]
- Suffolk County (2) [-]
- United Kingdom (2) [-]
- Verdun-sur-Meuse (2) [-]
- Washington (2) [-]
- 325 New Africa House (1) [-]
- 36 Tedworth Square Chelsea (1) [-]
- Africa (1) [-]
- Alameda County (1) [-]
- Alberta (1) [-]
- Albertville (1) [-]
- Amherst (1) [-]
- Anacostia (1) [-]
- Aquitaine (1) [-]
- Atlanta (1) [-]
- Austria (1) [-]
- Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (1) [-]
- Baden-Württemberg (1) [-]
- Belleville-sur-Meuse (1) [-]
- Bern (1) [-]
- Bourbonne les Bains (1) [-]
- Bruyères (1) [-]
- Calais (1) [-]
- Calgary (1) [-]
- California (1) [-]
- Canada (1) [-]
- Cap-Haïtien (1) [-]
- Central Africa (1) [-]
- Challes-les-Eaux (1) [-]
- Chambéry (1) [-]
- Château d'Olhain (1) [-]
- Citrus County (1) [-]
- Colorado (1) [-]
- Connecticut (1) [-]
- Cosne-Cours-sur-Loire (1) [-]
- Dover (1) [-]
- Eagle County (1) [-]
- East Saint Louis (1) [-]
- Essex County (1) [-]
- Florida (1) [-]
- Fredericksburg (1) [-]
- Fresnicourt-le-Dolmen (1) [-]
- Fulton County (1) [-]
- Gabon (1) [-]
- Georgia (1) [-]
- Germany (1) [-]
- Grand Est (1) [-]
- Haiti (1) [-]
- Hart (1) [-]
- Hartford (1) [-]
- Haute- Marne (1) [-]
- Heidelberg (1) [-]
- Hennepin County (1) [-]
- Idlewild (1) [-]
- Inverness (1) [-]
- Italy (1) [-]
- Jackson County (1) [-]
- Johannesburg (1) [-]