Filter Results
- International affairs (79) [-]
- Activism (71) [-]
- U.S. History, 1969-2001 (61) [-]
- Pan Africanism (47) [-]
- Politics (45) [-]
- Anti-apartheid movements (41) [-]
- Black power (39) [-]
- Decolonization (28) [-]
- Mass media (26) [-]
- Violence (18) [-]
- Group identity (16) [-]
- Black Press (15) [-]
- Religion (15) [-]
- Communities (13) [-]
- Labor unions (13) [-]
- Associations and institutions (12) [-]
- Education (11) [-]
- HIV/AIDS Activist Movement (11) [-]
- Health (11) [-]
- Justice (11) [-]
- LGBTQ (11) [-]
- Race relations (11) [-]
- Sexuality (11) [-]
- Women (11) [-]
- Political organizations (9) [-]
- African American - Latinx Solidarity (8) [-]
- Civil rights (8) [-]
- Discrimination (8) [-]
- Race (8) [-]
- Business (7) [-]
- Communication (7) [-]
- Correspondence (7) [-]
- Literature (7) [-]
- Resistance (7) [-]
- Social reform (7) [-]
- American South (6) [-]
- Design (6) [-]
- Law (6) [-]
- Photography (6) [-]
- Poetry (6) [-]
- Art (5) [-]
- British colonialism (5) [-]
- Documentary films (5) [-]
- Journalism (5) [-]
- U.S. History, 1961-1969 (5) [-]
- African diaspora (4) [-]
- Colonies (4) [-]
- Family (4) [-]
- Gender issues (4) [-]
- Men (4) [-]
- Motion pictures (4) [-]
- Prisons (4) [-]
- Segregation (4) [-]
- Sports (4) [-]
- U.S. History, 1919-1933 (4) [-]
- Women's organizations (4) [-]
- Advertising (3) [-]
- Cvil Rights (3) [-]
- Hate crimes (3) [-]
- Lynching (3) [-]
- Medicine (3) [-]
- Military (3) [-]
- Multilingual communication (3) [-]
- Society (3) [-]
- Textiles (3) [-]
- U.S. History, 2001- (3) [-]
- Actors and actresses (2) [-]
- Craftsmanship (2) [-]
- Dutch colonialism (2) [-]
- Episcopalian (2) [-]
- Fashion (2) [-]
- Freedom (2) [-]
- Government (2) [-]
- Graphic arts (2) [-]
- HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) (2) [-]
- Hollywood (Film) (2) [-]
- Language and languages (2) [-]
- Music (2) [-]
- Police brutality (2) [-]
- Theatre (2) [-]
- U.S. History, 1865-1921 (2) [-]
- White supremacy movements (2) [-]
- American Indian Movements (1) [-]
- American West (1) [-]
- Anti-Lynching Movement (1) [-]
- Architecture (1) [-]
- Athletes (1) [-]
- BAM (Black Arts Movement 1965-1976) (1) [-]
- Belgian colonialism (1) [-]
- Caricature and cartoons (1) [-]
- Chicano Movement / El Movimiento (1) [-]
- Description and travel (1) [-]
- Domestic life (1) [-]
- Economics (1) [-]
- Emigration and immigration (1) [-]
- Entertainers (1) [-]
- Folklife (1) [-]
- Funeral rites and ceremonies (1) [-]
- Holidays and festivals (1) [-]
- Humanitarianism (1) [-]
- Mandela, Nelson (15) [-]
- African National Congress (14) [-]
- South African Student Organisation (12) [-]
- Bell, Alan (11) [-]
- Pan African Students Organization in the Americas (9) [-]
- Minority AIDS Project (8) [-]
- National Association of Black and White Men Together (8) [-]
- Black Gay and Lesbian Leadership Forum (7) [-]
- Gay and Lesbian Organization of Witwatersrand (7) [-]
- AIDS Coalition To Unleash Power (6) [-]
- Bean, Carl (6) [-]
- Lorde, Audre (6) [-]
- Nkoli, Simon (6) [-]
- Wilson, Phill (6) [-]
- Akpan, John (5) [-]
- Bailey, Jan (5) [-]
- Baldwin, James (5) [-]
- Committee to Free the SASO 9 (5) [-]
- Kissinger, Henry Alfred (5) [-]
- National LGBTQ Task Force (5) [-]
- Sojourner, Sabrina (5) [-]
- Southern Christian Leadership Conference (5) [-]
- The Negro Worker (5) [-]
- United Nations (5) [-]
- Youth Against War & Fascism (5) [-]
- Abernathy, Ralph David (4) [-]
- Black Men's Xchange (4) [-]
- Communist International (4) [-]
- D.C. Public Library (4) [-]
- Davis, Angela Y. (4) [-]
- Du Bois, W. E. B. (William Edward Burghardt) (4) [-]
- Gay Men of African Descent (4) [-]
- Hill, Marjorie (4) [-]
- McCoy, Renee (4) [-]
- National Coalition of Black Lesbians and Gays (4) [-]
- Nixon, Richard Milhous (4) [-]
- Riggs, Marlon Troy (4) [-]
- Smith, Barbara (4) [-]
- South African Student Organization (4) [-]
- South West Africa People's Organization (4) [-]
- St. John, Keith (4) [-]
- Thais-Williams, Jewel (4) [-]
- Waters, Maxine (4) [-]
- AIDS Healthcare Foundation (3) [-]
- Bridgewater, Pamela E. (3) [-]
- Bunje, Janet (3) [-]
- Civil Rights History Project (3) [-]
- Dinkins, David Norman (3) [-]
- Ebony (3) [-]
- Ford, Gerald Rudolph (3) [-]
- Gerald, Gilberto (3) [-]
- Green, Ernest (3) [-]
- Houston, Whitney (3) [-]
- Jackson, Jesse (3) [-]
- King, Martin Luther (3) [-]
- Lee, Spike (3) [-]
- Manago, Cleo (3) [-]
- Mandela, Winnie (3) [-]
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (3) [-]
- National Task Force on AIDS Prevention (3) [-]
- Norman, Pat (3) [-]
- Padmore, George (3) [-]
- Saxxon, Larry (3) [-]
- Shine Shine (3) [-]
- United States Department of State (3) [-]
- Unity Fellowship Church (3) [-]
- Vorster, Balthazar Johannes (3) [-]
- 2 Live Crew (2) [-]
- AIDS Project Los Angeles (2) [-]
- American Committee on Africa (2) [-]
- Audio Two (2) [-]
- Beam, Joseph F. (2) [-]
- Carter, Jimmy (2) [-]
- Cheers, Duane Michael (2) [-]
- Cleaver, Eldridge (2) [-]
- Coalition of Black Trade Unionists (2) [-]
- Columbia University (2) [-]
- Committee to Stop the US-South Africa Alliance (2) [-]
- Cooper, Sathasivian (2) [-]
- Cosby, Bill (2) [-]
- Cowans, Adger W. (2) [-]
- Davis, Peter (2) [-]
- Episcopal Churchmen for South Africa (2) [-]
- GMHC (2) [-]
- General Motors Corporation (2) [-]
- Hall, Arsenio (2) [-]
- Hemphill, Essex (2) [-]
- Hughes, Langston (2) [-]
- Human Rights Campaign (2) [-]
- International Committee Against Racism (2) [-]
- Johnson Publishing Company (2) [-]
- Johnson, Magic (2) [-]
- Ku Klux Klan, 3rd (2) [-]
- Lavender Light (2) [-]
- Lekota, Mosiuosa (2) [-]
- May 1 Anti-Apartheid Day Committee (2) [-]
- Moodley, Strinivasa Rajoo (2) [-]
- Murphy, Eddie (2) [-]
- N.G. Slater Corporation (2) [-]
- Naimi Nombowo (2) [-]
- Fliers (printed matter) (19) [-]
- Buttons (information artifacts) (16) [-]
- Magazines (periodicals) (15) [-]
- Pamphlets (12) [-]
- Correspondence (7) [-]
- 16mm (photographic film size) (5) [-]
- Newsletters (5) [-]
- Portraits (5) [-]
- Sound films (5) [-]
- Digital media - born digital (4) [-]
- Articles (3) [-]
- Interviews (3) [-]
- Oral histories (document genres) (3) [-]
- Textiles (3) [-]
- Video recordings (3) [-]
- Color films (visual works) (3) [-]
- Documentaries (2) [-]
- Newspapers (2) [-]
- Photographs (2) [-]
- Black-and-white films (visual works) (2) [-]
- Short subjects (2) [-]
- Audiotapes (1) [-]
- Baskets (containers) (1) [-]
- Catalogs (1) [-]
- Charters (1) [-]
- Clippings (information artifacts) (1) [-]
- Documents (1) [-]
- Etchings (prints) (1) [-]
- Films (performing arts) (1) [-]
- Journals (periodicals) (1) [-]
- Memorandums (1) [-]
- Multimedia works (1) [-]
- Passes (tickets) (1) [-]
- Petitions (1) [-]
- Photomechanical prints (1) [-]
- Placards (information artifacts) (1) [-]
- Political posters (1) [-]
- Press releases (1) [-]
- Sound recordings (1) [-]
- Chromogenic development prints (1) [-]
- Relief halftones (1) [-]
- North and Central America (85) [-]
- United States (83) [-]
- New York City (47) [-]
- Washington (21) [-]
- District of Columbia (20) [-]
- California (14) [-]
- Johannesburg (14) [-]
- Illinois (13) [-]
- Gauteng (12) [-]
- Los Angeles (12) [-]
- Los Angeles County (12) [-]
- Chicago (11) [-]
- Namibia (11) [-]
- West Africa (11) [-]
- Zimbabwe (11) [-]
- Africa (10) [-]
- Caribbean (10) [-]
- Cook County (10) [-]
- Europe (10) [-]
- Central Africa (8) [-]
- San Francisco (8) [-]
- San Francisco county (7) [-]
- Alameda County (6) [-]
- Angola (6) [-]
- Atlanta (6) [-]
- Boston (6) [-]
- Cape Town (6) [-]
- Fulton County (6) [-]
- Georgia (6) [-]
- Latin America (6) [-]
- Massachusetts (6) [-]
- Oakland (6) [-]
- King County (5) [-]
- North Carolina (5) [-]
- Seattle (5) [-]
- Suffolk County (5) [-]
- Tennessee (5) [-]
- Western Cape (5) [-]
- Asia (4) [-]
- England (4) [-]
- Jackson County (4) [-]
- Liberia (4) [-]
- Louisiana (4) [-]
- Michigan (4) [-]
- Missouri (4) [-]
- Mozambique (4) [-]
- New Orleans (4) [-]
- San Diego (4) [-]
- San Diego County (4) [-]
- Southern Africa (4) [-]
- Ghana (3) [-]
- Jamaica (3) [-]
- Kansas City (3) [-]
- Kenya (3) [-]
- KwaZulu/Natal (3) [-]
- Memphis (3) [-]
- Mississippi (3) [-]
- Netherlands (3) [-]
- New York (3) [-]
- Nigeria (3) [-]
- Orleans Parish (3) [-]
- Pennsylvania (3) [-]
- Philadelphia (3) [-]
- Shelby County (3) [-]
- South America (3) [-]
- Alabama (2) [-]
- Albany (2) [-]
- Albany County (2) [-]
- Barbados (2) [-]
- Belgium (2) [-]
- Brooklyn (2) [-]
- Cameroon (2) [-]
- Connecticut (2) [-]
- Costa Rica (2) [-]
- Davidson County (2) [-]
- Durban (2) [-]
- Durham (2) [-]
- Eastern Cape Province (2) [-]
- France (2) [-]
- Germany (2) [-]
- Guinea-Bissau (2) [-]
- Hamburg (2) [-]
- Mexico (2) [-]
- Nashville (2) [-]
- New Hampshire (2) [-]
- New Jersey (2) [-]
- Philadelphia County (2) [-]
- Portsmouth (2) [-]
- Rockingham County (2) [-]
- Russia (2) [-]
- Sacramento (2) [-]
- Sacramento County (2) [-]
- San José (2) [-]
- Soweto (2) [-]
- Suriname (2) [-]
- Texas (2) [-]
- Abidjan (1) [-]
- Accra (1) [-]
- Ada County (1) [-]