Filter Results
- Architecture (86) [-]
- American South (69) [-]
- Skilled labor (67) [-]
- Slavery (65) [-]
- Labor unions (10) [-]
- Segregation (9) [-]
- Ornamentation (8) [-]
- Prisons (8) [-]
- Design (7) [-]
- Communities (6) [-]
- Domestic life (6) [-]
- Religion (6) [-]
- Business (5) [-]
- Education (5) [-]
- Reconstruction, U.S. History, 1865-1877 (5) [-]
- U.S. History, 1815-1861 (5) [-]
- African diaspora (4) [-]
- Finance (4) [-]
- HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) (4) [-]
- Housing (4) [-]
- Museums (4) [-]
- The Black Church (4) [-]
- Urban life (4) [-]
- Craftsmanship (3) [-]
- Government (3) [-]
- Politics (3) [-]
- Slave hire system (3) [-]
- U.S. History, 2001- (3) [-]
- Black geographies (2) [-]
- Black interiors (2) [-]
- Cooking (2) [-]
- Dinners and dining (2) [-]
- Emancipation (2) [-]
- Rural life (2) [-]
- U.S. History, 1783-1815 (2) [-]
- American West (1) [-]
- Black Press (1) [-]
- Civil rights (1) [-]
- Discrimination (1) [-]
- Health (1) [-]
- Interior decoration (1) [-]
- Mass media (1) [-]
- Mental health (1) [-]
- Nightlife (1) [-]
- Poverty (1) [-]
- Race (1) [-]
- Race relations (1) [-]
- Resistance (1) [-]
- Society (1) [-]
- U.S. History, 1933-1945 (1) [-]
- U.S. History, 1961-1969 (1) [-]
- U.S. History, Civil War, 1861-1865 (1) [-]
- Violence (1) [-]
- Women (1) [-]
- Acacia Historical Arts International, Inc. (58) [-]
- Old Slave Mart Museum (43) [-]
- Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola (5) [-]
- Adjaye, David (4) [-]
- Antioch Baptist Church (4) [-]
- Bond, J. Max (4) [-]
- Dura Industries (4) [-]
- Forte and Tablada Inc. (4) [-]
- Freelon Adjaye Bond/SmithGroup (4) [-]
- Freelon, Philip G. (4) [-]
- Morel Industries (4) [-]
- National Museum of African American History and Culture (4) [-]
- Northstar Contracting, Inc. (4) [-]
- Peerless Pattern Works, Inc. (4) [-]
- SmithGroupJJR (4) [-]
- Wilson, Miriam B. (4) [-]
- Chattahoochee Brick Company (3) [-]
- Boone Hall Plantation (2) [-]
- Burnham, Franklin Pierce (2) [-]
- Edbrooke & Burnham (2) [-]
- Edbrooke, Willoughby J. (2) [-]
- Kale, Jeremiah (2) [-]
- McCulloch, William Moore (2) [-]
- The White House (2) [-]
- American Missionary Association (1) [-]
- Architect of the Capitol (1) [-]
- Ballard, Edward Hunter (1) [-]
- Bank of Finance (1) [-]
- Beal, Perry Weldon (1) [-]
- Bethune-Cookman University (1) [-]
- Bradley, Tom (1) [-]
- Brown, Lawrence Bernard (1) [-]
- Burnett, Elizabeth "Queen Ann" (1) [-]
- Clarke, Wilton A. (1) [-]
- Davis, Nelson (1) [-]
- Draper, Charla L. (1) [-]
- Ebony (1) [-]
- Elrod, Arthur Dea (1) [-]
- French Huguenot Church (1) [-]
- General Electric Corporation (1) [-]
- Goatfield Plantation (1) [-]
- Granville, Onie Burnett (1) [-]
- Hampton Singers (1) [-]
- Hampton University (1) [-]
- Historic L.B. Brown House Museum (1) [-]
- Hunt, Richard Morris (1) [-]
- Johnson Publishing Company (1) [-]
- Jones, Richard (1) [-]
- Lyons, Charlotte (1) [-]
- Medway Plantation (1) [-]
- Moutoussamy, John (1) [-]
- Muse, Isaiah (1) [-]
- Newark Housing Authority (1) [-]
- Obama, Barack (1) [-]
- Old Warren County Courthouse (1) [-]
- Point of Pines Plantation (1) [-]
- Raiser, William C. (1) [-]
- Spelman College (1) [-]
- Spencer, Lorenzo V. (1) [-]
- Tubman, Harriet (1) [-]
- Turner, Nat (1) [-]
- Whitehead, Margaret (1) [-]
- Yeamans Hall Plantation (1) [-]
- Blocks (shaped masses) (48) [-]
- Moldings and molding components: architectural (11) [-]
- Façades (5) [-]
- Roofs (5) [-]
- Cells (4) [-]
- Fossils (4) [-]
- Windows (4) [-]
- Doors (2) [-]
- Ironwork (2) [-]
- Slabs (flat objects) (2) [-]
- Spires (2) [-]
- Toilets (2) [-]
- Plaques (flat objects) (1) [-]
- Sherds (1) [-]
- Appliances (1) [-]
- Beds (furniture) (1) [-]
- Cabins (houses) (1) [-]
- Cisterns (1) [-]
- Cocktail lounges (1) [-]
- Houses (1) [-]
- Kitchens (1) [-]
- Landmark buildings (1) [-]
- Lecterns (1) [-]
- Piers (foundation components) (1) [-]
- Railings (1) [-]
- Structural elements and structural element components (1) [-]
- Swinging doors (1) [-]
- Towers (single built works) (1) [-]
- North and Central America (98) [-]
- United States (98) [-]
- South Carolina (30) [-]
- Charleston (22) [-]
- District of Columbia (7) [-]
- Louisiana (7) [-]
- Washington (7) [-]
- Virginia (5) [-]
- West Feliciana Parish (5) [-]
- Alabama (4) [-]
- Atlanta (4) [-]
- Camden (4) [-]
- Charleston County (4) [-]
- Chicago (4) [-]
- Cook County (4) [-]
- Fulton County (4) [-]
- Georgia (4) [-]
- Illinois (4) [-]
- Wilcox County (4) [-]
- Berkeley County (3) [-]
- Florida (3) [-]
- Caroline County (2) [-]
- Mount Pleasant (2) [-]
- Port Royal (2) [-]
- Aquia Creek (1) [-]
- Auburn (1) [-]
- Bartow (1) [-]
- Broadmoor neighborhood (1) [-]
- Bronzeville (1) [-]
- California (1) [-]
- Cayuga County (1) [-]
- Colorado (1) [-]
- Cordesville (1) [-]
- Daytona Beach (1) [-]
- Denver (1) [-]
- Edisto Island (1) [-]
- Essex County (1) [-]
- Fort Sumter (1) [-]
- Garza County (1) [-]
- Goose Creek (1) [-]
- Grahamville (1) [-]
- Hampton (1) [-]
- Hanahan (1) [-]
- Jasper County (1) [-]
- Jonesville (1) [-]
- Leon County (1) [-]
- Los Angeles (1) [-]
- Maryland (1) [-]
- Mississippi (1) [-]
- Montgomery County (1) [-]
- New Jersey (1) [-]
- New Orleans (1) [-]
- New York (1) [-]
- New York City (1) [-]
- Newark (1) [-]
- Orleans Parish (1) [-]
- Polk County (1) [-]
- Post (1) [-]
- Saint Martinville (1) [-]
- South Shore (1) [-]
- Southampton County (1) [-]
- Stafford County (1) [-]
- Tallahassee (1) [-]
- Texas (1) [-]
- Vicksburg (1) [-]
- Volusia County (1) [-]
- Warren County (1) [-]