Filter Results
- Motion pictures (180) [-]
- Civil rights (157) [-]
- Activism (143) [-]
- Cvil Rights (132) [-]
- American South (120) [-]
- Education (114) [-]
- U.S. History, 1961-1969 (110) [-]
- Social reform (93) [-]
- Associations and institutions (84) [-]
- Family (77) [-]
- Documentary films (76) [-]
- Jazz (Music) (62) [-]
- Race relations (55) [-]
- Segregation (50) [-]
- Religion (49) [-]
- Politics (48) [-]
- Labor unions (47) [-]
- Children (44) [-]
- Description and travel (44) [-]
- HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) (43) [-]
- Communities (41) [-]
- Actors and actresses (39) [-]
- Discrimination (34) [-]
- Race (34) [-]
- Singers (Musicians) (34) [-]
- American West (31) [-]
- U.S. History, 1953-1961 (31) [-]
- Instrumentalists (Musicians) (30) [-]
- Race films (30) [-]
- Dance (29) [-]
- Justice (29) [-]
- Urban life (29) [-]
- Military (27) [-]
- Suffrage (27) [-]
- Business (25) [-]
- Law (25) [-]
- Museums (25) [-]
- Art (22) [-]
- Entertainers (22) [-]
- Mass media (20) [-]
- Agriculture (19) [-]
- Domestic life (19) [-]
- Humanitarianism (18) [-]
- Sports (18) [-]
- Public television (17) [-]
- Women (17) [-]
- Youth (17) [-]
- African American - Latinx Solidarity (16) [-]
- Poverty (16) [-]
- Resistance (16) [-]
- Conductors (Musicians) (15) [-]
- Musical films (15) [-]
- Poor People's Campaign (15) [-]
- Television (15) [-]
- Comedy (14) [-]
- Society (14) [-]
- Violence (14) [-]
- Composers (Musicians) (13) [-]
- Hollywood (Film) (13) [-]
- Mississippi Freedom Summer (13) [-]
- Freedom rides (12) [-]
- Medicine (12) [-]
- Rural life (12) [-]
- Group identity (11) [-]
- Theatre (11) [-]
- U.S. History, 1969-2001 (11) [-]
- WW II (11) [-]
- World War, 1939-1945 (11) [-]
- Athletes (10) [-]
- March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom (10) [-]
- Music (10) [-]
- Prisons (10) [-]
- Science (10) [-]
- U.S. History, 1945-1953 (10) [-]
- United States History (10) [-]
- African diaspora (9) [-]
- Black Power (Black Pride) (9) [-]
- Folklife (9) [-]
- International affairs (9) [-]
- Literature (9) [-]
- Nightlife (9) [-]
- Photography (9) [-]
- Recreation (9) [-]
- White supremacy movements (9) [-]
- Amusements (8) [-]
- Black power (8) [-]
- Gender issues (8) [-]
- Migrations (8) [-]
- Police brutality (8) [-]
- Political organizations (8) [-]
- Selma to Montgomery Marches (8) [-]
- Vietnam War, 1961-1975 (8) [-]
- Anti-apartheid movements (7) [-]
- Funeral rites and ceremonies (7) [-]
- Health (7) [-]
- Race riots (7) [-]
- Tap dancing (7) [-]
- Albany Movement (6) [-]
- Animated films (6) [-]
- Architecture (6) [-]
- D.C. Public Library (119) [-]
- Civil Rights History Project (109) [-]
- Mosnier, Joseph (49) [-]
- Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (36) [-]
- Bowser, Pearl (35) [-]
- National Museum of African American History and Culture (35) [-]
- Smith, Ernie (32) [-]
- Holman, Michael (31) [-]
- King, Martin Luther (31) [-]
- Wood, Pauline Thompson (28) [-]
- Cline, David P. (23) [-]
- Patrick Telepictures, Inc. (19) [-]
- Calloway, Cab (17) [-]
- Navies, Kelly Elaine (14) [-]
- CBS Broadcasting, Inc. (13) [-]
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (13) [-]
- Poor People's Campaign (13) [-]
- National Educational Television (12) [-]
- Howard University (11) [-]
- Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (11) [-]
- Sack Amusement Enterprises (11) [-]
- Sorrell, Maurice (11) [-]
- Ellington, Duke (10) [-]
- Goodman, Benny (10) [-]
- Holman, Linda (10) [-]
- March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom (10) [-]
- Moir, Kim (10) [-]
- Crosby, Emilye (9) [-]
- Dittmer, John (9) [-]
- Jones, S. S. (9) [-]
- Southern Christian Leadership Conference (9) [-]
- Armstrong, Louis (8) [-]
- Greaves, William (8) [-]
- Hampton, Lionel (8) [-]
- Holman, Alice (8) [-]
- Lathan, Stan (8) [-]
- Moreland, Mantan (8) [-]
- Robeson, Paul (8) [-]
- X, Malcolm (8) [-]
- Beveridge, Tee (7) [-]
- Black Panther Party (7) [-]
- Brooks, Jess Lee (7) [-]
- Chamba Productions (7) [-]
- Mississippi Freedom Summer Project (7) [-]
- Abernathy, Ralph David (6) [-]
- Bond, J. Max (6) [-]
- Bourne, St. Clair (6) [-]
- Brooks, Clarence (6) [-]
- Garrett, Kent (6) [-]
- Highlander Folk School (6) [-]
- Horne, Lena (6) [-]
- Jeffries, Hasan Kwame (6) [-]
- Ku Klux Klan, 3rd (6) [-]
- Micheaux, Oscar (6) [-]
- NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc. (6) [-]
- NAACP Youth Council (6) [-]
- Williams, Spencer (6) [-]
- Basie, Count (5) [-]
- Benny Goodman Orchestra (5) [-]
- Bergen Community College (5) [-]
- Calloway, Nuffie (5) [-]
- Cotton Club (5) [-]
- Griffin, Willie James (5) [-]
- Holman, Thomas (5) [-]
- Howard University Nonviolent Action Group (5) [-]
- Hutcherson, Trudy (5) [-]
- Jeffries, Herb (5) [-]
- Lovejoy, Alex (5) [-]
- Murphy, Dudley (5) [-]
- Southern, Tom (5) [-]
- Till, Emmett (5) [-]
- Tougaloo College (5) [-]
- Baker, Josephine (4) [-]
- Board of Education of Topeka (4) [-]
- Brooklyn Museum (4) [-]
- Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters (4) [-]
- Brown, Oliver L. (4) [-]
- Cole, Nat King (4) [-]
- Collins, Kathleen (4) [-]
- Congress of Racial Equality (4) [-]
- Cosby, Bill (4) [-]
- Edelman, Marian Wright (4) [-]
- Evers, Medgar (4) [-]
- Hawley, Monte (4) [-]
- Jones, James Earl (4) [-]
- Kahn, Richard C. (4) [-]
- Kennedy, Robert F. (4) [-]
- Lewis, Sybil (4) [-]
- Mandela, Nelson (4) [-]
- McNeil, Claudia (4) [-]
- Miller, Flournoy (4) [-]
- Morehouse College (4) [-]
- Morris, Earle (4) [-]
- Poitier, Sidney (4) [-]
- Randol, George Elwood (4) [-]
- Robinson, Bill "Bojangles" (4) [-]
- Rooney, Andrew (4) [-]
- Sack, Alfred N. (4) [-]
- Salahu-Din, Deborah Tulani (4) [-]
- Santino, Jack (4) [-]
- 16mm (photographic film size) (241) [-]
- Sound films (214) [-]
- Color films (visual works) (151) [-]
- Digital media - born digital (148) [-]
- Interviews (146) [-]
- Oral histories (document genres) (145) [-]
- Video recordings (139) [-]
- Black-and-white films (visual works) (120) [-]
- Short subjects (59) [-]
- Silent films (56) [-]
- Home movies (50) [-]
- Films (performing arts) (47) [-]
- 8mm (photographic film size) (23) [-]
- Release prints (motion pictures) (20) [-]
- Film clips (18) [-]
- Documentaries (12) [-]
- Motion pictures (visual works) (12) [-]
- Super 8 (10) [-]
- DVDs (8) [-]
- Children's films (8) [-]
- 35mm (photographic film size) (4) [-]
- Sermons (2) [-]
- Videodiscs (video recording disks) (2) [-]
- Digital media - born analog (2) [-]
- Video art (2) [-]
- Illustrations (1) [-]
- Photographs (1) [-]
- Posters (1) [-]
- Television programs (1) [-]
- VHS (1) [-]
- Videocassettes (1) [-]
- Videotapes (1) [-]
- Compilation films (1) [-]
- North and Central America (400) [-]
- United States (397) [-]
- Washington (166) [-]
- District of Columbia (162) [-]
- New York City (95) [-]
- California (40) [-]
- Georgia (39) [-]
- New York County (39) [-]
- Europe (34) [-]
- Harlem (31) [-]
- Mississippi (30) [-]
- Alabama (26) [-]
- Illinois (20) [-]
- Atlanta (19) [-]
- Los Angeles (19) [-]
- Virginia (18) [-]
- Albany (17) [-]
- Dougherty County (17) [-]
- Fulton County (17) [-]
- Maryland (17) [-]
- Chicago (16) [-]
- Cook County (16) [-]
- New York (16) [-]
- Louisiana (14) [-]
- Asia (13) [-]
- North Carolina (12) [-]
- Pennsylvania (12) [-]
- South Carolina (12) [-]
- Jefferson County (11) [-]
- Oklahoma (11) [-]
- Tennessee (11) [-]
- Caribbean (10) [-]
- Florida (10) [-]
- Latin America (10) [-]
- New Jersey (10) [-]
- Baltimore (9) [-]
- Italy (9) [-]
- Paris (9) [-]
- Dallas County (8) [-]
- Los Angeles County (8) [-]
- Montgomery (8) [-]
- South Africa (8) [-]
- Spain (8) [-]
- ĂŽle-de-France (8) [-]
- Arkansas (7) [-]
- Birmingham (7) [-]
- Brooklyn (7) [-]
- Massachusetts (7) [-]
- Selma (7) [-]
- Alameda County (6) [-]
- England (6) [-]
- Germany (6) [-]
- Hollywood (6) [-]
- Michigan (6) [-]
- New Orleans (6) [-]
- Richmond (6) [-]
- South America (6) [-]
- United Kingdom (6) [-]
- Africa (5) [-]
- Americus (5) [-]
- Arizona (5) [-]
- Davidson County (5) [-]
- London (5) [-]
- Manhattan (5) [-]
- Middle East (5) [-]
- Montgomery County (5) [-]
- Nashville (5) [-]
- Oakland (5) [-]
- Pulaski County (5) [-]
- Saint Augustine (5) [-]
- San Francisco (5) [-]
- Sumter County (5) [-]
- Texas (5) [-]
- Allegheny County (4) [-]
- Bogalusa (4) [-]
- Boston (4) [-]
- Greater London (4) [-]
- Hinds County (4) [-]
- Holmes County (4) [-]
- Israel (4) [-]
- Jackson (4) [-]
- Kentucky (4) [-]
- King County (4) [-]
- Macon County (4) [-]
- Memphis (4) [-]
- Newark (4) [-]
- North Africa (4) [-]
- Northern District (4) [-]
- Orleans Parish (4) [-]
- Pittsburgh (4) [-]
- Rome (4) [-]
- Seattle (4) [-]
- Shelby County (4) [-]
- Suffolk County (4) [-]
- Tuskegee (4) [-]
- Washington Parish (4) [-]
- Acre (3) [-]
- Astoria (3) [-]
- Baker County (3) [-]
- Bergen County (3) [-]