Filter Results
- Black interiors (138) [-]
- Black Enterprise (135) [-]
- Description and travel (132) [-]
- Business (85) [-]
- Recreation (72) [-]
- Civil rights (56) [-]
- Activism (48) [-]
- American South (45) [-]
- Education (42) [-]
- Cvil Rights (39) [-]
- Domestic life (36) [-]
- Religion (36) [-]
- U.S. History, 1961-1969 (36) [-]
- Cooking (30) [-]
- Dinners and dining (30) [-]
- Social reform (26) [-]
- Literature (23) [-]
- Race relations (23) [-]
- Military (21) [-]
- Ornamentation (20) [-]
- Nightlife (18) [-]
- Society (17) [-]
- Associations and institutions (16) [-]
- Discrimination (16) [-]
- Men (16) [-]
- Race (16) [-]
- Urban life (16) [-]
- Family (14) [-]
- Labor unions (14) [-]
- Documentary films (13) [-]
- Mass media (13) [-]
- Children (12) [-]
- Law (12) [-]
- Politics (12) [-]
- Worship services (12) [-]
- Amusements (10) [-]
- Black Press (10) [-]
- Craftsmanship (10) [-]
- Poetry (9) [-]
- Resistance (9) [-]
- Advertising (8) [-]
- HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) (8) [-]
- Suffrage (8) [-]
- The Black Church (8) [-]
- U.S. History, 1953-1961 (8) [-]
- Clothing and dress (7) [-]
- Communities (7) [-]
- Design (7) [-]
- Justice (7) [-]
- Actors and actresses (6) [-]
- Journalism (6) [-]
- Photography (6) [-]
- Slavery (6) [-]
- Sports (6) [-]
- Violence (6) [-]
- WW II (6) [-]
- World War, 1939-1945 (6) [-]
- Art (5) [-]
- Motion pictures (5) [-]
- Pullman Porters (5) [-]
- White supremacy movements (5) [-]
- Women (5) [-]
- Freedom rides (4) [-]
- Police brutality (4) [-]
- Political organizations (4) [-]
- Poverty (4) [-]
- Prayer (4) [-]
- Prisons (4) [-]
- Tuskegee Airmen (4) [-]
- U.S. History, 1865-1921 (4) [-]
- U.S. History, 1969-2001 (4) [-]
- Youth (4) [-]
- Aeronautics (3) [-]
- Agriculture (3) [-]
- Albany Movement (3) [-]
- American West (3) [-]
- Anti-apartheid movements (3) [-]
- Baseball (3) [-]
- Black power (3) [-]
- March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom (3) [-]
- Medicine (3) [-]
- Museums (3) [-]
- Poor People's Campaign (3) [-]
- Race riots (3) [-]
- Reconstruction, U.S. History, 1865-1877 (3) [-]
- Science (3) [-]
- Singers (Musicians) (3) [-]
- Transportation (3) [-]
- U.S. History, 1945-1953 (3) [-]
- African American - Latinx Solidarity (2) [-]
- Architecture (2) [-]
- Black Power (Black Pride) (2) [-]
- Caricature and cartoons (2) [-]
- Comedy (2) [-]
- Communication (2) [-]
- Entertainers (2) [-]
- Feminism (2) [-]
- Fraternal organizations (2) [-]
- Government (2) [-]
- Rock Rest Tourist Home (131) [-]
- Sinclair, Clayton (131) [-]
- Sinclair, Hazel (131) [-]
- Civil Rights History Project (28) [-]
- D.C. Public Library (15) [-]
- King, Martin Luther (15) [-]
- Muse, Isaiah (15) [-]
- Beasley, Louis J. (14) [-]
- Mosnier, Joseph (13) [-]
- United States Army (8) [-]
- Noritake Co., Limited (7) [-]
- International Silver (6) [-]
- Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (6) [-]
- Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters (5) [-]
- Ebony (5) [-]
- Johnson Publishing Company (5) [-]
- National Museum of African American History and Culture (5) [-]
- Antioch Baptist Church (4) [-]
- Bethel Evangelical Lutheran Church and School (4) [-]
- Griffin, Willie James (4) [-]
- Navies, Kelly Elaine (4) [-]
- Santino, Jack (4) [-]
- Tucker, Rosina (4) [-]
- Wagner, Paul (4) [-]
- A. H. Andrews & Co. (3) [-]
- Abernathy, Ralph David (3) [-]
- Anderson, Henry Clay (3) [-]
- Angelou, Maya (3) [-]
- Brad Keeler Artwares (3) [-]
- Cline, David P. (3) [-]
- Hope School (3) [-]
- Jeffries, Hasan Kwame (3) [-]
- Knickerbocker Rug Cleaners (3) [-]
- Ku Klux Klan, 3rd (3) [-]
- March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom (3) [-]
- McCarroll, Dan (3) [-]
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (3) [-]
- Patrick Telepictures, Inc. (3) [-]
- Claflin University (2) [-]
- Clark, Kenneth (2) [-]
- Clark, Mamie (2) [-]
- Crosby, Emilye (2) [-]
- Davis, Sammy (2) [-]
- Deacons for Defense and Justice (2) [-]
- Dittmer, John (2) [-]
- Espino Barros e Hijos, S.A. (2) [-]
- F. W. Woolworth Company (2) [-]
- Fisk University (2) [-]
- Gotham (2) [-]
- Hayling, Robert Bagner (2) [-]
- Houston, Charles Hamilton (2) [-]
- Hughes, Langston (2) [-]
- Hurst & Company (2) [-]
- J. and P. Coats (2) [-]
- Jones, James Earl (2) [-]
- Kennedy, Robert F. (2) [-]
- Ku Klux Klan, 2nd (2) [-]
- Leviton Manufacturing Company, Inc. (2) [-]
- Marshall, Thurgood (2) [-]
- Moir, Kim (2) [-]
- National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. (2) [-]
- New American Library, Inc. (2) [-]
- Pittsburgh Courier (2) [-]
- Poor People's Campaign (2) [-]
- Random House, Inc. (2) [-]
- Robinson, Jackie (2) [-]
- Rustin, Bayard (2) [-]
- Samsonite (2) [-]
- Sunday School Publishing Board (2) [-]
- Temple, Herbert (2) [-]
- Till, Emmett (2) [-]
- Townsend, Arthur Melvin (2) [-]
- Townsend, Willa Ann Hadley (2) [-]
- Tuskegee Airmen (2) [-]
- Tuskegee Institute (2) [-]
- 100th Fighter Squadron (1) [-]
- 1924 Democratic National Convention (1) [-]
- 332d Fighter Group (1) [-]
- 477th Bombardment Group (1) [-]
- 99th Pursuit Squadron (1) [-]
- ACCORD Freedom Trail (1) [-]
- Abingdon Press (1) [-]
- Adkin High School (1) [-]
- Afia, Candice (1) [-]
- Ahles, Inez Margaret (1) [-]
- Algebra Project (1) [-]
- Allen, Georgia (1) [-]
- American Baptist Publication Society (1) [-]
- Americus Four (1) [-]
- Amos 'n' Andy (1) [-]
- Anchor Hocking Glassware (1) [-]
- Anderson Scott (1) [-]
- Anderson, Fletcher (1) [-]
- Anderson, Madeline (1) [-]
- Andover Productions (1) [-]
- Architectural Book Publishing Company, Inc. (1) [-]
- Armstrong, Louis (1) [-]
- Ashland Clothes, Inc. (1) [-]
- Avenel Books (1) [-]
- Avon Books (1) [-]
- Interviews (33) [-]
- Oral histories (document genres) (33) [-]
- Video recordings (33) [-]
- Digital media - born digital (33) [-]
- Hardcover books (27) [-]
- 16mm (photographic film size) (16) [-]
- Cocktail lounges (15) [-]
- Sound films (14) [-]
- Books (10) [-]
- Color films (visual works) (9) [-]
- Magazines (periodicals) (8) [-]
- Chairs (furniture forms) (7) [-]
- Sewing tools and equipment (7) [-]
- Black-and-white films (visual works) (7) [-]
- Dinner services (7) [-]
- Desks (6) [-]
- Communion sets (6) [-]
- Short subjects (6) [-]
- Spools (5) [-]
- Documentaries (4) [-]
- Tables (support furniture) (4) [-]
- Windows (4) [-]
- Curtains (3) [-]
- Dolls (3) [-]
- Needles (piercing tools) (3) [-]
- Pamphlets (3) [-]
- Portraits (3) [-]
- Scrapbooks (3) [-]
- Tools and equipment (3) [-]
- Serving dishes (3) [-]
- Table lamps (3) [-]
- Thimbles (3) [-]
- Throw pillows (3) [-]
- Armchairs (2) [-]
- Bookcases (2) [-]
- Buttons (information artifacts) (2) [-]
- Correspondence (2) [-]
- Fishing rods (2) [-]
- Paintings (2) [-]
- Suitcases (2) [-]
- Textbooks (2) [-]
- Bats (2) [-]
- Rackets (sports equipment) (2) [-]
- Stoles (vestments) (2) [-]
- Administrative records (1) [-]
- Ashtrays (1) [-]
- Baseballs (ball) (1) [-]
- Benches (1) [-]
- Booklets (1) [-]
- Boxes (containers) (1) [-]
- Cameras (photographic equipment) (1) [-]
- Clippings (information artifacts) (1) [-]
- Codes (regulations) (1) [-]
- Cords (binding components) (1) [-]
- Creamers (1) [-]
- Documents (1) [-]
- Doors (1) [-]
- Forks (flatware) (1) [-]
- Hardware (components) (1) [-]
- Hats (1) [-]
- Kits (sets) (1) [-]
- Lamps (lighting devices) (1) [-]
- Legal documents (1) [-]
- Mirrors (1) [-]
- Paper dolls (1) [-]
- Pepper shakers (1) [-]
- Photographs (1) [-]
- Pins (fasteners) (1) [-]
- Playing cards (1) [-]
- Posters (1) [-]
- Quilts (1) [-]
- Saltshakers (1) [-]
- Settees (1) [-]
- Sewing baskets (1) [-]
- Shelves (1) [-]
- Signs (declaratory or advertising artifacts) (1) [-]
- Silverware (1) [-]
- Souvenir programs (1) [-]
- Sugar bowls (1) [-]
- Tags (1) [-]
- Theater programs (1) [-]
- Vases (1) [-]
- Visitors' books (1) [-]
- Academic robes (1) [-]
- Beads (1) [-]
- Bed slats (1) [-]
- Bedframes (1) [-]
- Bowls (object components) (1) [-]
- Bowls (vessels) (1) [-]
- Cabinets (case furniture) (1) [-]
- Checkerboards (1) [-]
- Chessmen (1) [-]
- Chests of drawers (1) [-]
- Chips (1) [-]
- Console tables (1) [-]
- Dress uniforms (1) [-]
- Drinking glasses (1) [-]
- Footboards (1) [-]
- Gaming counters (1) [-]
- Headboards (1) [-]
- United States (241) [-]
- North and Central America (240) [-]
- Kittery (131) [-]
- Maine (131) [-]
- York County (131) [-]
- New York City (29) [-]
- Illinois (27) [-]
- Chicago (26) [-]
- Cook County (26) [-]
- District of Columbia (23) [-]
- Washington (23) [-]
- Asia (15) [-]
- South Shore (15) [-]
- Alabama (14) [-]
- Georgia (14) [-]
- Japan (10) [-]
- Massachusetts (10) [-]
- South Carolina (10) [-]
- Albany (9) [-]
- Dougherty County (9) [-]
- Mississippi (9) [-]
- Camden (8) [-]
- Wilcox County (8) [-]
- Aichi (7) [-]
- Connecticut (7) [-]
- Maryland (7) [-]
- Nagoya (7) [-]
- New Haven County (7) [-]
- New York (7) [-]
- California (6) [-]
- Meriden (6) [-]
- Ohio (6) [-]
- Tennessee (6) [-]
- Baltimore (5) [-]
- Florida (5) [-]
- North Carolina (5) [-]
- Arkansas (4) [-]
- Atlanta (4) [-]
- Davidson County (4) [-]
- Europe (4) [-]
- Greenville (4) [-]
- Los Angeles (4) [-]
- Nashville (4) [-]
- New Jersey (4) [-]
- Pennsylvania (4) [-]
- Virginia (4) [-]
- Bogalusa (3) [-]
- Boston (3) [-]
- England (3) [-]
- London (3) [-]
- Louisiana (3) [-]
- Newberry County (3) [-]
- Philadelphia (3) [-]
- Pomaria (3) [-]
- Richmond (3) [-]
- Saint Augustine (3) [-]
- Suffolk County (3) [-]
- Taiwan (3) [-]
- Washington County (3) [-]
- Washington Parish (3) [-]
- Baker County (2) [-]
- Cincinnati (2) [-]
- Columbus (2) [-]
- Forsyth County (2) [-]
- Fulton County (2) [-]
- Hamilton County (2) [-]
- Harlem (2) [-]
- Hinds County (2) [-]
- Indianapolis (2) [-]
- Jackson (2) [-]
- Kentucky (2) [-]
- Leflore County (2) [-]
- Little Rock (2) [-]
- Louisville (2) [-]
- Macon County (2) [-]
- Marion County (2) [-]
- Montgomery (2) [-]
- New Hampshire (2) [-]
- Orangeburg (2) [-]
- Racine (2) [-]
- Saint Johns (2) [-]
- Saint Johns County (2) [-]
- Sasser (2) [-]
- South Africa (2) [-]
- Terrell County (2) [-]
- Texas (2) [-]
- Union County (2) [-]
- Uxbridge (2) [-]
- Wisconsin (2) [-]
- Worcester County (2) [-]
- 32 North Kentucky (1) [-]
- Afghanistan (1) [-]
- Alameda County (1) [-]
- Allegheny County (1) [-]
- Americus (1) [-]
- Anderson County (1) [-]
- Atlantic City (1) [-]
- Atlantic County (1) [-]
- Baltimore County (1) [-]
- Belzoni (1) [-]