Filter Results
- Education (27) [-]
- American West (18) [-]
- Military (11) [-]
- WW II (11) [-]
- World War, 1939-1945 (11) [-]
- Agriculture (8) [-]
- Jazz (Music) (8) [-]
- Labor unions (8) [-]
- Men (8) [-]
- Nightlife (7) [-]
- Theatre (7) [-]
- Dance (6) [-]
- Children (5) [-]
- Entertainers (5) [-]
- Singers (Musicians) (5) [-]
- Actors and actresses (3) [-]
- Cooking (3) [-]
- Costume (3) [-]
- Dinners and dining (3) [-]
- Instrumentalists (Musicians) (3) [-]
- Race relations (3) [-]
- Skilled labor (3) [-]
- Transportation (3) [-]
- Communities (2) [-]
- Correspondence (2) [-]
- Domestic life (2) [-]
- Family (2) [-]
- Gospel (Music) (2) [-]
- Pullman Porters (2) [-]
- Religion (2) [-]
- Science (2) [-]
- Segregation (2) [-]
- Women (2) [-]
- Youth (2) [-]
- African Methodist Episcopal (1) [-]
- African diaspora (1) [-]
- Band (Music) (1) [-]
- Black Press (1) [-]
- Clothing and dress (1) [-]
- Colonies (1) [-]
- Conductors (Musicians) (1) [-]
- Description and travel (1) [-]
- Fashion (1) [-]
- Freedom (1) [-]
- French colonialism (1) [-]
- Gender issues (1) [-]
- Group identity (1) [-]
- Harlem Renaissance (New Negro Movement) (1) [-]
- Marriage (1) [-]
- Medicine (1) [-]
- Migrations (1) [-]
- Music (1) [-]
- Nature (1) [-]
- Nursing (1) [-]
- Prayer (1) [-]
- Recreation (1) [-]
- Rural life (1) [-]
- Society (1) [-]
- Spirituals (Music) (1) [-]
- Technology (1) [-]
- The Black Church (1) [-]
- U.S. History, 1933-1945 (1) [-]
- Urban life (1) [-]
- Bordentown School (26) [-]
- Hine, Lewis Wickes (26) [-]
- Sullivan, Maxine (12) [-]
- 8th Engineer Battalion (8) [-]
- Coles, Alphonso C. (7) [-]
- Schutz Photo (7) [-]
- Eastman Kodak Company (4) [-]
- Armstrong, Louis (2) [-]
- Cafe Zanzibar (2) [-]
- Claude Hopkins Orchestra (2) [-]
- Club Ebony (2) [-]
- Debutones (2) [-]
- Dutton, Van (2) [-]
- Ellington, Mercer Kennedy (2) [-]
- Glaser, Joe (2) [-]
- Holiday, Billie (2) [-]
- Howard, Joe (2) [-]
- Johnson, Edgar (2) [-]
- Louis Armstrong and his Orchestra (2) [-]
- Marquette, Pee Wee (2) [-]
- Middleton, Velma (2) [-]
- Nicholas Brothers (2) [-]
- Parks, Jean (2) [-]
- Peters Sisters (2) [-]
- Robinson, Bill "Bojangles" (2) [-]
- Rocco, Maurice (2) [-]
- Roman, Chino (2) [-]
- Savage, Archie (2) [-]
- The Delta Rhythm Boys (2) [-]
- The Zanzibeauts (2) [-]
- Three Riffs (2) [-]
- Ubangi Club (2) [-]
- Van Vechten, Carl (2) [-]
- Wells, Dickie (2) [-]
- A-Smile A-Minute Photos (1) [-]
- Agfa-Gevaert N.V. (1) [-]
- Allen, Lollaretta Pemberton (1) [-]
- Associated Booking Corporation (1) [-]
- Barnett, Ted (1) [-]
- Benoit-Jeannette, Armand (1) [-]
- Bentley, Gladys (1) [-]
- C. & M. A. Gospel Singers and Quintette (1) [-]
- Carson, Robin (1) [-]
- Carver, George Washington (1) [-]
- Cathrell, Sally J. (1) [-]
- Cleveland Colored Quintet (1) [-]
- Cowan, Thomas B. (1) [-]
- Davenport, Margarette (1) [-]
- Du Bois, W. E. B. (William Edward Burghardt) (1) [-]
- Eason, Otto (1) [-]
- Ester, Jean (1) [-]
- Ester, Omer (1) [-]
- Fiend, L. E. (1) [-]
- Fitzpatrick, Laura (1) [-]
- Graflex Inc. (1) [-]
- Harris, Charles H. (1) [-]
- Harry Walker Agency (1) [-]
- Hodges, Henry D. (1) [-]
- Horne, Lena (1) [-]
- Hyperion Press Ltd (1) [-]
- Jones, Spurgeon R. (1) [-]
- Joseph, T.R. (1) [-]
- King, Linnie (1) [-]
- Lacy, Floyd H. (1) [-]
- Lane, James (1) [-]
- Lane, Theo (1) [-]
- Parker, John W. (1) [-]
- Phillipps, Joseph (1) [-]
- Ross, J. Kavin (1) [-]
- Rothstein, Arthur (1) [-]
- Talbert, Alexander E. (1) [-]
- The Northland Studios (1) [-]
- Townsend, Arthur Melvin (1) [-]
- Turner, William O. (1) [-]
- United States Navy (1) [-]
- W. R. Thompson & Co. (1) [-]
- Williams, Virginia Bryant (1) [-]
- North and Central America (69) [-]
- United States (67) [-]
- Bordentown (26) [-]
- Burlington County (26) [-]
- New Jersey (26) [-]
- New York City (10) [-]
- Fairfax County (8) [-]
- Fort Belvoir (8) [-]
- Virginia (8) [-]
- Pennsylvania (3) [-]
- Allegheny County (2) [-]
- Chicago (2) [-]
- Cleveland (2) [-]
- Cook County (2) [-]
- Cuyahoga County (2) [-]
- Illinois (2) [-]
- Ohio (2) [-]
- Pittsburgh (2) [-]
- West Virginia (2) [-]
- Alabama (1) [-]
- Asia (1) [-]
- Berkeley County (1) [-]
- California (1) [-]
- Caribbean (1) [-]
- Chennai (1) [-]
- Colorado Springs (1) [-]
- Cumberland County (1) [-]
- Delaware River (1) [-]
- Detroit (1) [-]
- El Paso County (1) [-]
- Europe (1) [-]
- Fort Bragg (1) [-]
- France (1) [-]
- India (1) [-]
- Indianapolis (1) [-]
- Kansas (1) [-]
- Kings River (1) [-]
- Latin America (1) [-]
- Lucas County (1) [-]
- Macon County (1) [-]
- Madras (1) [-]
- Marion County (1) [-]
- Martinique (1) [-]
- Martinsburg (1) [-]
- Michigan (1) [-]
- Monongahela (1) [-]
- Monongalia (1) [-]
- Morgantown (1) [-]
- North Carolina (1) [-]
- Oklahoma (1) [-]
- Pacific Ocean (1) [-]
- Salina (1) [-]
- Saline County (1) [-]
- Sierra Nevada (1) [-]
- Tamil Nadu (1) [-]
- Toledo (1) [-]
- Tulsa (1) [-]
- Tulsa County (1) [-]
- Tuskegee (1) [-]
- United states (1) [-]
- W. Burke Street (1) [-]
- Washington (1) [-]
- Washington County (1) [-]
- Wayne County (1) [-]