Filter Results
- Slavery (81) [-]
- Skilled labor (36) [-]
- Labor unions (35) [-]
- Business (31) [-]
- Slave hire system (28) [-]
- U.S. History, 1815-1861 (24) [-]
- American South (19) [-]
- Domestic slave trade (18) [-]
- Correspondence (16) [-]
- Craftsmanship (11) [-]
- Women (10) [-]
- Finance (9) [-]
- International affairs (9) [-]
- Law (9) [-]
- Antislavery (8) [-]
- Black interiors (8) [-]
- Trans Atlantic slave trade (8) [-]
- Abolitionist movement (7) [-]
- Domestic life (7) [-]
- Family (7) [-]
- Photography (7) [-]
- Free communities of color (6) [-]
- Fugitive enslaved (6) [-]
- Mass media (6) [-]
- Men (6) [-]
- Self-liberation (6) [-]
- Agriculture (5) [-]
- Children (5) [-]
- Clothing and dress (5) [-]
- Colonies (5) [-]
- Portuguese colonialism (5) [-]
- Religion (5) [-]
- Violence (5) [-]
- Design (4) [-]
- Literature (4) [-]
- Resistance (4) [-]
- Social reform (4) [-]
- Activism (3) [-]
- Anti-slavery movements (3) [-]
- Communities (3) [-]
- Cooking (3) [-]
- Dinners and dining (3) [-]
- Education (3) [-]
- Emancipation (3) [-]
- Freedom (3) [-]
- Group identity (3) [-]
- Illegal slave trade (3) [-]
- Architecture (2) [-]
- Associations and institutions (2) [-]
- Black Enterprise (2) [-]
- Black Press (2) [-]
- Communication (2) [-]
- Fancy Girl trade (2) [-]
- Furnishings (2) [-]
- Journalism (2) [-]
- Military (2) [-]
- Ornamentation (2) [-]
- Reconstruction, U.S. History, 1865-1877 (2) [-]
- Societies (2) [-]
- Transportation (2) [-]
- U.S. History, Civil War, 1861-1865 (2) [-]
- Advertising (1) [-]
- African diaspora (1) [-]
- American West (1) [-]
- Black Hebraic religions (1) [-]
- Colonization movement (1) [-]
- Decolonization (1) [-]
- Description and travel (1) [-]
- Fashion (1) [-]
- Folklife (1) [-]
- Funeral rites and ceremonies (1) [-]
- Government (1) [-]
- Instrumentalists (Musicians) (1) [-]
- Jazz (Music) (1) [-]
- Judaism (1) [-]
- Language and languages (1) [-]
- Methodist (1) [-]
- Motherhood (1) [-]
- Music (1) [-]
- Poetry (1) [-]
- Prayer (1) [-]
- Race relations (1) [-]
- Textiles (1) [-]
- Tobacco (1) [-]
- U.S. History, 1783-1815 (1) [-]
- U.S. History, 1865-1921 (1) [-]
- Urban life (1) [-]
- Worship services (1) [-]
- Youth (1) [-]
- Rouse, William M. (18) [-]
- Fox, Samuel M. (6) [-]
- McDonald, Vernon Sugg (6) [-]
- Old Slave Mart Museum (6) [-]
- Saunders, Giles (6) [-]
- Mood, John (5) [-]
- Mood, Peter J. (5) [-]
- Sugg, Mary Elizabeth (5) [-]
- Sugg, William (5) [-]
- Turner, William (5) [-]
- Da Cortá, Joaquin Antonio (5) [-]
- Eyamba (4) [-]
- Honesty, Eyo (4) [-]
- Benedict, S. W. (3) [-]
- Dennis Farm Charitable Land Trust (3) [-]
- Deveaux, David H. (3) [-]
- Douglass, Frederick (3) [-]
- Garrison, William Lloyd (3) [-]
- Springfield Armory (3) [-]
- Black Fashion Museum (2) [-]
- Day, Thomas (2) [-]
- Delany, Martin Robison (2) [-]
- Dick, John (2) [-]
- Heatherly, T. (2) [-]
- J.B. Yerrington & Son (2) [-]
- Knapp, Isaac (2) [-]
- Pieh, Sengbe (2) [-]
- Rouzee Family (2) [-]
- Supreme Court of the United States (2) [-]
- Taylor, M. C. (2) [-]
- The Liberator (2) [-]
- The North Star (2) [-]
- Washington, Augustus (2) [-]
- Acacia Historical Arts International, Inc. (1) [-]
- Adams, Henry (1) [-]
- Adams, John Quincy (1) [-]
- Akins, James (1) [-]
- American Anti-Slavery Society (1) [-]
- Baker, Henry C. (1) [-]
- Baldwin, Roger Sherman (1) [-]
- Beth Shalom B'nai Zaken Ethiopian Hebrew Congregation (1) [-]
- Bland, William (1) [-]
- Bolles & Williams (1) [-]
- Bolles, William (1) [-]
- Bradlee, John T. (1) [-]
- Breckenridge, A. Sophonisba (1) [-]
- Burnett, Charles Alexander (1) [-]
- Carrington, E. H. (1) [-]
- Clarke, Stephen F. (1) [-]
- Davis, Charles (1) [-]
- Denham, Mary (1) [-]
- Dennis, Henry W. (1) [-]
- Derickson, Cassandra (1) [-]
- Derickson, Charles (1) [-]
- Derickson, Matilda (1) [-]
- Doniphan, Anderson (1) [-]
- Downing, Thomas (1) [-]
- Duke Ephraim (1) [-]
- Egbo Jack (1) [-]
- Fitzgerald, Edmund (1) [-]
- Fitzgerald, James (1) [-]
- Floyd, Sally B. (1) [-]
- Frazee, Joseph (1) [-]
- French Huguenot Church (1) [-]
- Fullerton, S. W. (1) [-]
- George F. Cooledge & Brother (1) [-]
- George S. Bond (1) [-]
- Goldie, Hugh (1) [-]
- Goldsmith, Henry P. (1) [-]
- Grasty, William (1) [-]
- Gray, James W. (1) [-]
- Hampton, Margaret B. F. (1) [-]
- Harding, George S. (1) [-]
- Hoff, John C. (1) [-]
- Homolka, Ferdinand August (1) [-]
- Hoyt, David (1) [-]
- Jelley & Duke (1) [-]
- John B. Perry (1) [-]
- Johnson, Harriet (1) [-]
- Johnson, Maria (1) [-]
- Johnson, Susan (1) [-]
- Kenny, James M. (1) [-]
- Lafar, John Joseph (1) [-]
- Lafar, S. E. (1) [-]
- Lanier, Sidney Clopton (1) [-]
- Lindsay and Blakiston (1) [-]
- Littlefield, Parsons & Co. (1) [-]
- Locke, Joseph L. (1) [-]
- Lynes, George (1) [-]
- M.S. Harrison & Co. (1) [-]
- Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society (1) [-]
- May, Caroline (1) [-]
- May, Joseph (1) [-]
- McCloe, Aaron (1) [-]
- McCloe, Gilbert (1) [-]
- McCloe, John Cortland (1) [-]
- McCoy, Joseph (1) [-]
- McDowell, Susanna S. (1) [-]
- Miller, Charles (1) [-]
- Miller, John (1) [-]
- Slave hire badges (28) [-]
- Correspondence (16) [-]
- Photographs (7) [-]
- Portraits (7) [-]
- Documents (6) [-]
- Newspapers (5) [-]
- Tools and equipment (5) [-]
- Broadsides (notices) (4) [-]
- Money (4) [-]
- Sales records (4) [-]
- Books (3) [-]
- Manuscripts (3) [-]
- Shackles (3) [-]
- Muskets (3) [-]
- Financial records (2) [-]
- Hardcover books (2) [-]
- Quilts (2) [-]
- Tax records (2) [-]
- Ironwork (2) [-]
- Keys (hardware) (2) [-]
- Spires (2) [-]
- Almanacs (1) [-]
- Bible (1) [-]
- Business cards (1) [-]
- Cases (containers) (1) [-]
- Certificates (1) [-]
- Chairs (furniture forms) (1) [-]
- Clippings (information artifacts) (1) [-]
- Dresses (garments) (1) [-]
- Eyeglasses (1) [-]
- Flags (1) [-]
- Forms (documents) (1) [-]
- Free papers (1) [-]
- Maps (1) [-]
- Musical instruments (1) [-]
- Narratives (document genres) (1) [-]
- Pestles (1) [-]
- Publications (1) [-]
- Scrolls (information artifacts) (1) [-]
- Tokens (1) [-]
- Violins (1) [-]
- Wills (1) [-]
- Bayonets (1) [-]
- Canteens (containers) (1) [-]
- Estate records (1) [-]
- Eyeglass cases (1) [-]
- Graters (1) [-]
- Jars (1) [-]
- Mortars (grinding tools) (1) [-]
- Mules (1) [-]
- Petticoats (1) [-]
- Seats and seat components (1) [-]
- Secretaries (furniture) (1) [-]
- Ships' manifests (1) [-]
- Spelling books (1) [-]
- Taper jacks (1) [-]
- Waistcoats (1) [-]
- Whitework (1) [-]
- North and Central America (96) [-]
- United States (95) [-]
- South Carolina (35) [-]
- Charleston (29) [-]
- Charleston County (28) [-]
- Virginia (13) [-]
- Kentucky (11) [-]
- West Africa (10) [-]
- Madison County (9) [-]
- Latin America (8) [-]
- Richmond (8) [-]
- Georgia (7) [-]
- Nigeria (7) [-]
- Old Calabar (7) [-]
- California (6) [-]
- Massachusetts (6) [-]
- Sonora (6) [-]
- Sugg McDonald House (6) [-]
- Tuolumne County (6) [-]
- Brazil (5) [-]
- Charleston Neck (5) [-]
- Montevideo (5) [-]
- Rio de Janeiro (5) [-]
- South America (5) [-]
- Uruguay (5) [-]
- Essex County (4) [-]
- New York City (4) [-]
- Sierra Leone (4) [-]
- Boston (3) [-]
- Caribbean (3) [-]
- Chatham County (3) [-]
- District of Columbia (3) [-]
- Europe (3) [-]
- Hampden County (3) [-]
- New York (3) [-]
- North Carolina (3) [-]
- Pennsylvania (3) [-]
- Savannah (3) [-]
- Springfield (3) [-]
- Suffolk County (3) [-]
- Alabama (2) [-]
- Cuba (2) [-]
- McIntosh County (2) [-]
- Missouri (2) [-]
- Monroe County (2) [-]
- New Jersey (2) [-]
- Philadelphia (2) [-]
- Rochester (2) [-]
- Washington (2) [-]
- Abingdon (1) [-]
- Africa (1) [-]
- Augusta County (1) [-]
- Baltimore (1) [-]
- Bordentown (1) [-]
- Brooklyn (1) [-]
- Burlington County (1) [-]
- Chambers County (1) [-]
- Chesterfield County (1) [-]
- Chicago (1) [-]
- Colleton County (1) [-]
- Connecticut (1) [-]
- Cook County (1) [-]
- Czech Republic (1) [-]
- Darien (1) [-]
- Dauphin County (1) [-]
- Davidson County (1) [-]
- Douglas County (1) [-]
- Elizabethtown (1) [-]
- England (1) [-]
- Flint Hill (1) [-]
- Freetown (1) [-]
- Georgetown (1) [-]
- Germantown (1) [-]
- Gwinnett County (1) [-]
- Haiti (1) [-]
- Hardin County (1) [-]
- Harrisburg (1) [-]
- Hartford (1) [-]
- Hartford County (1) [-]
- Huger Street (1) [-]
- Illinois (1) [-]
- Kansas (1) [-]
- Lawrenceville (1) [-]
- Liberia (1) [-]
- London (1) [-]
- Louisiana (1) [-]
- Madison (1) [-]
- Maryland (1) [-]
- Mason County (1) [-]
- Monrovia (1) [-]
- Montgomery (1) [-]
- Montgomery County (1) [-]
- Montserrado County (1) [-]
- Nash County (1) [-]
- Nashville (1) [-]
- New Orleans (1) [-]
- Newark (1) [-]
- Nicholas County (1) [-]
- Orleans Parish (1) [-]
- Peterboro (1) [-]