Filter Results
- Slavery (53) [-]
- Craftsmanship (37) [-]
- U.S. History, Colonial period, 1600-1775 (33) [-]
- Architecture (31) [-]
- Skilled labor (31) [-]
- Military (16) [-]
- Freedom (13) [-]
- U.S. History, Civil War, 1861-1865 (13) [-]
- U.S. History, 1815-1861 (10) [-]
- United States Colored Troops (10) [-]
- Antislavery (9) [-]
- Communities (9) [-]
- Law (9) [-]
- Women (8) [-]
- Emancipation (7) [-]
- Men (7) [-]
- U.S. History, Revolution, 1775-1783 (7) [-]
- Family (6) [-]
- Photography (6) [-]
- Self-liberation (6) [-]
- U.S. History, 1783-1815 (6) [-]
- African diaspora (5) [-]
- Religion (5) [-]
- Abolitionist movement (4) [-]
- Art (4) [-]
- Design (4) [-]
- International affairs (4) [-]
- Ornamentation (4) [-]
- American South (3) [-]
- Anti-slavery movements (3) [-]
- Business (3) [-]
- Children (3) [-]
- Clothing and dress (3) [-]
- Colonies (3) [-]
- Finance (3) [-]
- Fugitive enslaved (3) [-]
- Government (3) [-]
- Group identity (3) [-]
- Literature (3) [-]
- Race relations (3) [-]
- Social reform (3) [-]
- The Black Church (3) [-]
- Violence (3) [-]
- African Methodist Episcopal (2) [-]
- Associations and institutions (2) [-]
- Athletes (2) [-]
- Black Press (2) [-]
- Civil rights (2) [-]
- Colonization movement (2) [-]
- Discrimination (2) [-]
- Domestic life (2) [-]
- Dutch colonialism (2) [-]
- Feminism (2) [-]
- Freemasons (2) [-]
- Justice (2) [-]
- Labor unions (2) [-]
- Mass media (2) [-]
- Politics (2) [-]
- Presbyterian (2) [-]
- Race (2) [-]
- Spanish colonialism (2) [-]
- Sports (2) [-]
- U.S. History, 1865-1921 (2) [-]
- Black Enterprise (1) [-]
- Black interiors (1) [-]
- British colonialism (1) [-]
- Cooking (1) [-]
- Correspondence (1) [-]
- Dinners and dining (1) [-]
- Education (1) [-]
- Fraternal organizations (1) [-]
- Fraternities (1) [-]
- Funeral rites and ceremonies (1) [-]
- Furnishings (1) [-]
- Motherhood (1) [-]
- Portuguese colonialism (1) [-]
- Preaching (1) [-]
- Reconstruction, U.S. History, 1865-1877 (1) [-]
- Resistance (1) [-]
- Societies (1) [-]
- Society (1) [-]
- Suffrage (1) [-]
- Trans Atlantic slave trade (1) [-]
- Urban life (1) [-]
- War of 1812, 1812-1815 (1) [-]
- Worship services (1) [-]
- Chelor, Cesar (21) [-]
- Peterson, Marquis (10) [-]
- Hernandez, Juana Alicia Ruiz (4) [-]
- Mujeres Tejedoras de Mampuján (4) [-]
- Simbo, Prince (4) [-]
- Iones, I. (3) [-]
- Jones, Jethro (3) [-]
- Keckly, Elizabeth (3) [-]
- Nicholson, Francis (3) [-]
- Trammell, Joseph (3) [-]
- 55th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment (2) [-]
- Allen, Richard (2) [-]
- Carter, Edward (2) [-]
- Copeland, Ann Hurst (2) [-]
- Copeland, John H. (2) [-]
- Cribb, Tom (2) [-]
- Day, Thomas (2) [-]
- Delany, Martin Robison (2) [-]
- Dick, John (2) [-]
- Douglass, Frederick (2) [-]
- Frederick (2) [-]
- Grand Army of the Republic (2) [-]
- Hall, Prince (2) [-]
- Krohn, Frederik Christopher (2) [-]
- Loudoun County Court (2) [-]
- Molineaux, Tom (2) [-]
- Mother Bethel AME Church (2) [-]
- Richmond, Bill (2) [-]
- The North Star (2) [-]
- Ulke, Henry (2) [-]
- Walker and Knight (2) [-]
- African Lodge, No. 459 (1) [-]
- American Baptist Publication Society (1) [-]
- American Colonization Society (1) [-]
- B. T. Albro (1) [-]
- Barbadoes, Isaac (1) [-]
- Barker, J. N. (1) [-]
- Barnaby, Robert (1) [-]
- Barter, Luther (1) [-]
- Beckett, William Wesley (1) [-]
- Bentzon, Peter (1) [-]
- Bordman, Samuel (1) [-]
- Brooks, Eleanor (1) [-]
- Brown, William Wells (1) [-]
- Burns, Anthony (1) [-]
- Calyo, Nicolino (1) [-]
- Catto, William T. (1) [-]
- Cheswill, Wentworth (1) [-]
- Commeraw, Thomas (1) [-]
- Creefield, Rachel (1) [-]
- Cresson, Elliott (1) [-]
- Cresson, Sarah Emlen (1) [-]
- Cuffe, John (1) [-]
- Cuffe, Paul (1) [-]
- Davis, David E. (1) [-]
- Davis, Frankie (1) [-]
- Douglass, John (1) [-]
- Downing, Thomas (1) [-]
- Eldridge, Elleanor (1) [-]
- Emory, Daniel (1) [-]
- Fillmore, Millard (1) [-]
- First African Presbyterian Church (1) [-]
- Freeman, Sampson (1) [-]
- Garnet, Henry (1) [-]
- Gaul, Aaron (1) [-]
- George Wostenholm and Son (1) [-]
- Gloucester, John (1) [-]
- Goodrich, Isaac (1) [-]
- Green McDougall, Frances Harriet Whipple (1) [-]
- Groot, A. (1) [-]
- Groot, Daniel (1) [-]
- Gurley, Ralph Randolph (1) [-]
- Hilton, John T. (1) [-]
- Hodges, Nathan (1) [-]
- Honestman, Hager (1) [-]
- Honestman, Heber (1) [-]
- Isham, Joseph (1) [-]
- Johnson, Joshua (1) [-]
- King, John A. (1) [-]
- Latrobe, John (1) [-]
- Lawson, Caleb (1) [-]
- Lawson, Harriet (1) [-]
- Lee & Shepard (1) [-]
- Lewis, Walker (1) [-]
- Lucas Bros. Inc. (1) [-]
- Lyons, Hannah Amelia (1) [-]
- Madison, James (1) [-]
- Mason, William (1) [-]
- McWorter Kirkpatrick Wheaton, Thelma E. (1) [-]
- McWorter, Frank (1) [-]
- McWorter-Moss, Shirley (1) [-]
- Mott, Lucretia (1) [-]
- Nell, William Cooper (1) [-]
- Owens, Daniel (1) [-]
- Powers, Nero (1) [-]
- Price, Philip (1) [-]
- Review and Herald Publishing Association (1) [-]
- Roberts, George (1) [-]
- Rockwood, George G. (1) [-]
- Short, Matthew (1) [-]
- Portraits (8) [-]
- Planes (tools) (7) [-]
- Medals (5) [-]
- Photographs (5) [-]
- Documents (4) [-]
- Plow planes (4) [-]
- Tapestries (4) [-]
- Books (3) [-]
- Boxes (containers) (3) [-]
- Hardcover books (3) [-]
- Visiting cards (3) [-]
- Bead planes (3) [-]
- Cornice planes (3) [-]
- Certificates (2) [-]
- Correspondence (2) [-]
- Free papers (2) [-]
- Newspapers (2) [-]
- Paintings (2) [-]
- Nosing planes (2) [-]
- Affidavits (1) [-]
- Badges (1) [-]
- Bags (containers) (1) [-]
- Bills (legislative records) (1) [-]
- Blocks (shaped masses) (1) [-]
- Buttons (information artifacts) (1) [-]
- Chairs (furniture forms) (1) [-]
- Christmas cards (1) [-]
- Circular letters (1) [-]
- Etchings (prints) (1) [-]
- Indentures (1) [-]
- Legal documents (1) [-]
- Manuscripts (1) [-]
- Medallions (medals) (1) [-]
- Memebership cards (1) [-]
- Narratives (document genres) (1) [-]
- Pendants (jewelry) (1) [-]
- Petitions (1) [-]
- Posters (1) [-]
- Powder horns (1) [-]
- Prints (1) [-]
- Receipts (1) [-]
- Sculpture (1) [-]
- Silhouettes (1) [-]
- Teapots (1) [-]
- Vouchers (1) [-]
- Watercolors (paintings) (1) [-]
- Workbooks (1) [-]
- Block planes (1) [-]
- Chains (1) [-]
- Citizenship papers (1) [-]
- Conveyances (1) [-]
- Edge planes (1) [-]
- Grooving planes (1) [-]
- Hollow planes (1) [-]
- Jack planes (1) [-]
- Jars (1) [-]
- Jugs (1) [-]
- Molding planes (1) [-]
- Rabbet planes (1) [-]
- Razors (1) [-]
- Round planes (1) [-]
- Sash fillister planes (1) [-]
- Sash planes (1) [-]
- Seats and seat components (1) [-]
- Slippers (1) [-]
- Thumb planes (1) [-]
- Tongue planes (1) [-]
- Writs (1) [-]
- 1720s (3) [-]
- 1730s (1) [-]
- 1740s (2) [-]
- 1750s (26) [-]
- 1760s (1) [-]
- 1770s (2) [-]
- 1780s (27) [-]
- 1790s (3) [-]
- 1800s (5) [-]
- 1810s (6) [-]
- 1820s (7) [-]
- 1830s (9) [-]
- 1840s (5) [-]
- 1850s (12) [-]
- 1860s (15) [-]
- 1870s (1) [-]
- 1880s (1) [-]
- 1890s (8) [-]
- 1910s (1) [-]
- 1990s (1) [-]
- 2000s (4) [-]
- 2010s (4) [-]
- North and Central America (84) [-]
- United States (82) [-]
- Massachusetts (31) [-]
- Norfolk County (25) [-]
- Wrentham (25) [-]
- Pennsylvania (10) [-]
- Philadelphia (9) [-]
- Connecticut (7) [-]
- Virginia (6) [-]
- Hartford (5) [-]
- Hartford County (5) [-]
- BolĂvar (4) [-]
- Colombia (4) [-]
- Europe (4) [-]
- Latin America (4) [-]
- Mampuján (4) [-]
- Maryland (4) [-]
- Montes de MarĂa (4) [-]
- New York City (4) [-]
- South America (4) [-]
- District of Columbia (3) [-]
- New York (3) [-]
- Virgin Islands of the United States (3) [-]
- Washington (3) [-]
- Baltimore (2) [-]
- Boston (2) [-]
- Bristol County (2) [-]
- Caribbean (2) [-]
- Denmark (2) [-]
- East Midlands (2) [-]
- England (2) [-]
- Essex County (2) [-]
- Frederick County (2) [-]
- Glastonbury (2) [-]
- Leesburg (2) [-]
- Loudoun County (2) [-]
- Middlesex County (2) [-]
- Monroe County (2) [-]
- Rochester (2) [-]
- Rutland (2) [-]
- Battle Creek (1) [-]
- Calhoun County (1) [-]
- Charleston (1) [-]
- Charleston County (1) [-]
- Dauphin County (1) [-]
- Easton (1) [-]
- Fort Sumter (1) [-]
- Harrisburg (1) [-]
- Holliston (1) [-]
- Illinois (1) [-]
- Liberia (1) [-]
- Madison (1) [-]
- Madison County (1) [-]
- Medway (1) [-]
- Michigan (1) [-]
- New Hampshire (1) [-]
- New Jersey (1) [-]
- New Philadelphia (1) [-]
- Newark (1) [-]
- Newmarket (1) [-]
- North Carolina (1) [-]
- Peterboro (1) [-]
- Pike County (1) [-]
- Providence (1) [-]
- Providence County (1) [-]
- Rhode Island (1) [-]
- Rockingham County (1) [-]
- South Carolina (1) [-]
- Suffolk (1) [-]
- Taunton (1) [-]
- Weeksville, Brooklyn (1) [-]
- West Africa (1) [-]