Filter Results
- Slavery (380) [-]
- American South (261) [-]
- Labor unions (228) [-]
- Photography (221) [-]
- Skilled labor (216) [-]
- Slave hire system (166) [-]
- Agriculture (132) [-]
- Communities (111) [-]
- Nature (108) [-]
- United States History (106) [-]
- Rural life (102) [-]
- Rice farming (81) [-]
- Domestic life (61) [-]
- Craftsmanship (47) [-]
- Women (42) [-]
- Architecture (40) [-]
- Design (40) [-]
- Art (30) [-]
- Children (27) [-]
- Education (27) [-]
- U.S. History, 1815-1861 (25) [-]
- U.S. History, Civil War, 1861-1865 (23) [-]
- Family (21) [-]
- Folklife (21) [-]
- Black Enterprise (20) [-]
- Business (20) [-]
- Health (20) [-]
- Medicine (20) [-]
- Segregation (20) [-]
- Group identity (19) [-]
- Reconstruction, U.S. History, 1865-1877 (19) [-]
- Cooking (17) [-]
- Dinners and dining (17) [-]
- Men (17) [-]
- Religion (17) [-]
- African diaspora (16) [-]
- Midwifery (16) [-]
- Military (16) [-]
- Activism (14) [-]
- Domestic slave trade (13) [-]
- Associations and institutions (12) [-]
- Civil rights (12) [-]
- Cvil Rights (12) [-]
- Politics (12) [-]
- U.S. History, 1961-1969 (12) [-]
- Finance (11) [-]
- Hair (11) [-]
- Barbershops (10) [-]
- Black interiors (10) [-]
- Social reform (10) [-]
- U.S. History, 1783-1815 (10) [-]
- United States Colored Troops (10) [-]
- HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) (9) [-]
- Trans Atlantic slave trade (9) [-]
- Transportation (9) [-]
- Clothing and dress (8) [-]
- Emancipation (8) [-]
- Marriage (7) [-]
- Ornamentation (7) [-]
- Government (6) [-]
- Law (6) [-]
- Motherhood (6) [-]
- Religious rituals and ceremonies (6) [-]
- Suffrage (6) [-]
- The Black Church (6) [-]
- U.S. History, 1865-1921 (6) [-]
- U.S. History, 2001- (6) [-]
- Antislavery (5) [-]
- Discrimination (5) [-]
- Justice (5) [-]
- Mass media (5) [-]
- Race (5) [-]
- Cotton (4) [-]
- Freedom (4) [-]
- Funeral rites and ceremonies (4) [-]
- Housing (4) [-]
- Prayer (4) [-]
- Abolitionist movement (3) [-]
- Black geographies (3) [-]
- Correspondence (3) [-]
- Fraternal organizations (3) [-]
- Race relations (3) [-]
- Society (3) [-]
- Spirituality (3) [-]
- Violence (3) [-]
- Worship services (3) [-]
- African American - Latinx Solidarity (2) [-]
- Amusements (2) [-]
- Black Press (2) [-]
- Free communities of color (2) [-]
- Freemasons (2) [-]
- HIV/AIDS Activist Movement (2) [-]
- Holidays and festivals (2) [-]
- Humanitarianism (2) [-]
- LGBTQ (2) [-]
- Language and languages (2) [-]
- Mississippi Freedom Summer (2) [-]
- Motion pictures (2) [-]
- Music (2) [-]
- Play (2) [-]
- Soliday, David (105) [-]
- ModernAge Photographic Services (61) [-]
- Moutoussamy-Ashe, Jeanne (61) [-]
- Old Slave Mart Museum (56) [-]
- Lafar, John Joseph (53) [-]
- Rouse, William M. (53) [-]
- Acacia Historical Arts International, Inc. (33) [-]
- Veronee, William (20) [-]
- Smith, W. Eugene (19) [-]
- Marovich, Pete (17) [-]
- Callen, Maude E. (16) [-]
- Prince, Charles (16) [-]
- Jackson, Mary A. (15) [-]
- Hope School (12) [-]
- A. H. Andrews & Co. (10) [-]
- Smalls, Robert (10) [-]
- Gbadebo, Adebunmi (9) [-]
- Mood, John (9) [-]
- Mood, Peter J. (9) [-]
- Civil Rights History Project (8) [-]
- Confederate States of America (7) [-]
- First Union African Baptist Church (6) [-]
- Atmar, Ralph (5) [-]
- Mosnier, Joseph (5) [-]
- Point of Pines Plantation (5) [-]
- 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment (4) [-]
- 55th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment (4) [-]
- Freed, Leonard (4) [-]
- Garrison, George Thompson (4) [-]
- O'Connor, William (4) [-]
- South Carolina State University (4) [-]
- Steinmetz Studio (4) [-]
- Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (4) [-]
- Corbette, Sarah (3) [-]
- Deveaux, David H. (3) [-]
- Gilliard, Leroy Buster (3) [-]
- Howard University (3) [-]
- Jenkins, Esau (3) [-]
- Krause, George (3) [-]
- Miller, Diogenese (3) [-]
- Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (3) [-]
- Nash, William Beverly (3) [-]
- Robinson, Lovenia (3) [-]
- Simmons, Lily (3) [-]
- Simmons, Peter (3) [-]
- Simmons, Philip (3) [-]
- Smith, Susie Washington (3) [-]
- Toppan, Carpenter, Casilear & Co. (3) [-]
- Wells-Bowie, LaVerne (3) [-]
- Barnard, George N. (2) [-]
- Bell, Alan (2) [-]
- Black Gay and Lesbian Leadership Forum (2) [-]
- Boone Hall Plantation (2) [-]
- Burke, A. J. (2) [-]
- Claflin University (2) [-]
- Delany, Martin Robison (2) [-]
- Dittmer, John (2) [-]
- Dock Street Theatre (2) [-]
- Elmore, Franklin Harper (2) [-]
- Howland, Emily (2) [-]
- King, Martin Luther (2) [-]
- Minority AIDS Project (2) [-]
- Mississippi Freedom Summer Project (2) [-]
- NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc. (2) [-]
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (2) [-]
- National Museum of African American History and Culture (2) [-]
- Prince Hall Freemasonry (2) [-]
- S.M. Ward & Co. (2) [-]
- Seignious, C. W. (2) [-]
- Simmons, Agnes (2) [-]
- The Progressive Club (2) [-]
- Tomczak, Eric (2) [-]
- Volkswagen (2) [-]
- 107.5 FM (WBLS) (1) [-]
- AIDS Coalition To Unleash Power (1) [-]
- Advertising Service Agency (1) [-]
- Allen University (1) [-]
- Allen, William (1) [-]
- American Civil Liberties Union (1) [-]
- Anderson, Madeline (1) [-]
- Andover Productions (1) [-]
- Angelou, Maya (1) [-]
- Atkins, Ed (1) [-]
- Baker, Henry C. (1) [-]
- Ball, Annie R. (1) [-]
- Ball, Elias Nonus (1) [-]
- Barber, William Joseph (1) [-]
- Bean, Carl (1) [-]
- Bennett, E. Katibo (1) [-]
- Big City Comics, Inc. (1) [-]
- Big Daddy Kane (1) [-]
- Blake, Eliza Snyder (1) [-]
- Bolden, Charles F. (1) [-]
- Boozer, Lemuel (1) [-]
- Boseman, Benjamin A. (1) [-]
- Briggs, Harry (1) [-]
- Brodie, William J. (1) [-]
- Brown, James (1) [-]
- Brown, Tony (1) [-]
- Buju Banton (1) [-]
- Slave hire badges (165) [-]
- Photographs (119) [-]
- Digital media - born digital (104) [-]
- Portraits (61) [-]
- Prints (61) [-]
- Digital media - born analog (29) [-]
- Baskets (containers) (21) [-]
- Blocks (shaped masses) (15) [-]
- Ironwork (12) [-]
- Moldings and molding components: architectural (11) [-]
- Desks (10) [-]
- Interviews (10) [-]
- Oral histories (document genres) (10) [-]
- Video recordings (10) [-]
- Multimedia works (9) [-]
- Sales records (8) [-]
- American paper money (5) [-]
- Money (5) [-]
- Whitework (5) [-]
- Postcards (4) [-]
- Stereographs (4) [-]
- Tables (support furniture) (4) [-]
- Visiting cards (4) [-]
- Balloon-back chairs (3) [-]
- Correspondence (3) [-]
- Magazines (periodicals) (3) [-]
- Pottery (object genre) (3) [-]
- Bullets (3) [-]
- 16mm (photographic film size) (2) [-]
- Badges (2) [-]
- Books (2) [-]
- Broadsides (notices) (2) [-]
- Diaries (2) [-]
- Documents (2) [-]
- Metalwork (2) [-]
- Pamphlets (2) [-]
- Pots (containers) (2) [-]
- Tokens (2) [-]
- Access doors (2) [-]
- Aprons (main garments) (2) [-]
- Balusters (2) [-]
- Ceremonial objects (2) [-]
- Hooks (object genre) (2) [-]
- Roofs (2) [-]
- Bags (containers) (1) [-]
- Bells (idiophones) (1) [-]
- Bonds (negotiable instruments) (1) [-]
- Brands (1) [-]
- Buckles (strap accessories) (1) [-]
- Buttons (information artifacts) (1) [-]
- Canes (walking sticks) (1) [-]
- Claims (1) [-]
- Contracts (1) [-]
- Counterpanes (1) [-]
- Ephemera (1) [-]
- Fiber art (1) [-]
- Financial records (1) [-]
- Flags (1) [-]
- Gates (1) [-]
- Handkerchiefs (1) [-]
- Hats (1) [-]
- Irons (tools) (1) [-]
- Lithographs (1) [-]
- Mixed media (1) [-]
- Musical instruments (1) [-]
- Newspapers (1) [-]
- Noisemakers (1) [-]
- Notebooks (1) [-]
- Organs (aerophones) (1) [-]
- Paintings (1) [-]
- Pennants (1) [-]
- Programs (documents) (1) [-]
- Receipts (1) [-]
- School yearbooks (1) [-]
- Shears (cutting tools) (1) [-]
- Side chairs (1) [-]
- Signs (declaratory or advertising artifacts) (1) [-]
- Sofas (1) [-]
- Stoves (heating equipment) (1) [-]
- T-shirts (1) [-]
- Textiles (1) [-]
- Tools and equipment (1) [-]
- Trunks (containers) (1) [-]
- Vessels (containers) (1) [-]
- Washstands (1) [-]
- Works of art (1) [-]
- Adzes (1) [-]
- Agricultural equipment (1) [-]
- Axes (tools) (1) [-]
- Bits (bridle components) (1) [-]
- Black-and-white films (visual works) (1) [-]
- Black-and-white prints (photographs) (1) [-]
- Cabins (houses) (1) [-]
- Color films (visual works) (1) [-]
- Coverlets (1) [-]
- Cradles (children's beds) (1) [-]
- Crates (1) [-]
- Drums (membranophones) (1) [-]
- Hammocks (1) [-]
- Hinges (hardware) (1) [-]
- 1700s (7) [-]
- 1750s (1) [-]
- 1790s (2) [-]
- 1800s (44) [-]
- 1810s (26) [-]
- 1820s (25) [-]
- 1830s (29) [-]
- 1840s (35) [-]
- 1850s (67) [-]
- 1860s (73) [-]
- 1870s (18) [-]
- 1880s (6) [-]
- 1890s (10) [-]
- 1900s (22) [-]
- 1910s (4) [-]
- 1920s (18) [-]
- 1930s (10) [-]
- 1940s (7) [-]
- 1950s (40) [-]
- 1960s (10) [-]
- 1970s (68) [-]
- 1980s (28) [-]
- 1990s (17) [-]
- 2000s (45) [-]
- 2010s (116) [-]
- 2020s (1) [-]
- North and Central America (595) [-]
- United States (595) [-]
- Charleston (240) [-]
- Charleston County (229) [-]
- Beaufort County (101) [-]
- Sea Islands (84) [-]
- Colleton County (64) [-]
- Daufuskie Island (63) [-]
- Berkeley County (25) [-]
- Georgetown County (22) [-]
- Combahee River (21) [-]
- Georgetown (16) [-]
- Edisto River (14) [-]
- Richland County (14) [-]
- Columbia (13) [-]
- Beaufort (12) [-]
- Chicago (12) [-]
- Cook County (12) [-]
- Illinois (12) [-]
- Newberry County (12) [-]
- Pomaria (12) [-]
- White Hall (12) [-]
- Green Pond (9) [-]
- District of Columbia (8) [-]
- Edisto Island (8) [-]
- Johns Island (8) [-]
- Washington (8) [-]
- Ashepoo River (7) [-]
- Georgia (7) [-]
- West Africa (7) [-]
- Hilton Head Island (6) [-]
- Orangeburg (6) [-]
- Charleston Neck (5) [-]
- Fort Sumter (5) [-]
- Mount Pleasant (5) [-]
- Saint Helena Island (5) [-]
- Cuckolds Creek (4) [-]
- Florida (4) [-]
- Folly Creek (4) [-]
- James Island (4) [-]
- Jasper County (4) [-]
- Massachusetts (4) [-]
- Mississippi (4) [-]
- New York City (4) [-]
- Waccamaw River (4) [-]
- Bluffton (3) [-]
- California (3) [-]
- Caribbean (3) [-]
- Edgefield County (3) [-]
- Hampton County (3) [-]
- Hollywood (3) [-]
- Kentucky (3) [-]
- McClellanville (3) [-]
- McIntosh County (3) [-]
- North Carolina (3) [-]
- Orangeburg County (3) [-]
- Pineville (3) [-]
- San Francisco (3) [-]
- Baker County (2) [-]
- Boston (2) [-]
- Central Africa (2) [-]
- Darien (2) [-]
- Fort Wagner (2) [-]
- Great Pee Dee River (2) [-]
- Greenville (2) [-]
- Horseshoe Creek (2) [-]
- Jacksonboro (2) [-]
- Lena (2) [-]
- Little Black River (2) [-]
- Los Angeles (2) [-]
- Los Angeles County (2) [-]
- Lowcountry (2) [-]
- Montserrat (2) [-]
- New Jersey (2) [-]
- North Santee River (2) [-]
- Ohio (2) [-]
- Olustee (2) [-]
- Pennsylvania (2) [-]
- Pittsburgh (2) [-]
- Rock Hill (2) [-]
- Sampit River (2) [-]
- Suffolk County (2) [-]
- United Kingdom (2) [-]
- York County (2) [-]
- Abbeville (1) [-]
- Africa (1) [-]
- Aiken (1) [-]
- Alabama (1) [-]
- Alameda County (1) [-]
- Albany (1) [-]
- Alleghany County (1) [-]
- Allegheny County (1) [-]
- Ashanti Region (1) [-]
- Ashepoo (1) [-]
- Ashley River (1) [-]
- Atlanta (1) [-]
- Augusta (1) [-]
- Awendaw (1) [-]
- Baja California (1) [-]