Filter Results
- Singers (Musicians) (267) [-]
- Motion pictures (231) [-]
- Broadway Theatre (204) [-]
- Photography (190) [-]
- Clothing and dress (188) [-]
- Women (169) [-]
- Activism (156) [-]
- Entertainers (146) [-]
- Costume (131) [-]
- Musical Theatre (109) [-]
- Hollywood (Film) (102) [-]
- Design (84) [-]
- Fashion (73) [-]
- Jazz (Music) (66) [-]
- Television (63) [-]
- Mass media (57) [-]
- Race films (52) [-]
- Race relations (51) [-]
- Advertising (44) [-]
- Hip-hop (Music) (44) [-]
- Music (44) [-]
- Rappers (Musicians) (40) [-]
- Comics and graphic novels (36) [-]
- Civil rights (32) [-]
- Dance (32) [-]
- Drama (Theatre) (29) [-]
- Men (29) [-]
- Family (27) [-]
- Musical films (27) [-]
- Urban life (27) [-]
- Comedy (26) [-]
- Education (26) [-]
- Literature (24) [-]
- Nightlife (22) [-]
- Rhythm and blues (Music) (22) [-]
- Theatre (21) [-]
- Justice (20) [-]
- U.S. History, 2001- (20) [-]
- Art (19) [-]
- Resistance (19) [-]
- Group identity (18) [-]
- Religion (18) [-]
- Black Lives Matter (17) [-]
- U.S. History, 1961-1969 (17) [-]
- American West (16) [-]
- Instrumentalists (Musicians) (16) [-]
- Police brutality (16) [-]
- Business (15) [-]
- Women's organizations (14) [-]
- Black Press (13) [-]
- Segregation (13) [-]
- Sitcoms (13) [-]
- Children (12) [-]
- Sports (12) [-]
- Violence (12) [-]
- Harlem Renaissance (New Negro Movement) (11) [-]
- Motown (Music) (11) [-]
- Slavery (11) [-]
- Tragedy (Theatre) (11) [-]
- Communities (10) [-]
- Gender issues (10) [-]
- LGBTQ (10) [-]
- Millinery (10) [-]
- Motherhood (10) [-]
- Religious rituals and ceremonies (10) [-]
- Sororities (10) [-]
- Stereotypes (10) [-]
- The Black Church (10) [-]
- Beauty culture (9) [-]
- Cooking (9) [-]
- Dinners and dining (9) [-]
- Hair (9) [-]
- Sexuality (9) [-]
- Youth (9) [-]
- American South (8) [-]
- Athletes (8) [-]
- Blaxploitation films (8) [-]
- Composers (Musicians) (8) [-]
- Cvil Rights (8) [-]
- Documentary films (8) [-]
- Soul (Music) (8) [-]
- Western films (8) [-]
- Associations and institutions (7) [-]
- Comedy (Theatre) (7) [-]
- Discrimination (7) [-]
- Gesture (7) [-]
- Independent films (7) [-]
- International affairs (7) [-]
- Race (7) [-]
- Radio (7) [-]
- BAM (Black Arts Movement 1965-1976) (6) [-]
- Black power (6) [-]
- Conductors (Musicians) (6) [-]
- Domestic life (6) [-]
- Labor unions (6) [-]
- WW I (6) [-]
- World War, 1914-1918 (6) [-]
- Communication (5) [-]
- Description and travel (5) [-]
- Barnett, Etta Moten (118) [-]
- De Shields, André (49) [-]
- Horne, Lena (47) [-]
- Playbill (38) [-]
- Marvel Worldwide, Inc. (35) [-]
- Holder, Geoffrey (34) [-]
- Belafonte, Harry (32) [-]
- Black Fashion Museum (28) [-]
- Coogler, Ryan Kyle (27) [-]
- Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. (26) [-]
- Poitier, Sidney (26) [-]
- Kennedy, Matt (24) [-]
- The Walt Disney Company (24) [-]
- Carry, Julius J. (22) [-]
- National Screen Service (22) [-]
- Carter, Ruth E. (21) [-]
- D.C. Public Library (20) [-]
- Platon (20) [-]
- De Passe Entertainment (20) [-]
- Moreland, Mantan (18) [-]
- Winfrey, Oprah (18) [-]
- Waters, Ethel (16) [-]
- Baker, Josephine (15) [-]
- Criner, John L. (15) [-]
- Floyd, George Perry (15) [-]
- Grace Costumes Inc. (15) [-]
- Oliver, Tommy (15) [-]
- Warner Bros. Pictures (15) [-]
- Calloway, Cab (14) [-]
- Cooper, Ralph (14) [-]
- Dandridge, Dorothy (13) [-]
- Hansberry, Lorraine (13) [-]
- Haynes, Tiger (13) [-]
- Boseman, Chadwick (12) [-]
- Agalin (11) [-]
- Dee, Ruby (11) [-]
- Houston, Whitney (11) [-]
- Benabib, Michael (10) [-]
- Coker, Cheo Hodari (10) [-]
- Davis, Sammy (10) [-]
- Ebenezer Baptist Church (10) [-]
- Henry, Horace C. (10) [-]
- LL Cool J (10) [-]
- Norris, Patricia (10) [-]
- Northup, Solomon (10) [-]
- Pereira, Al (10) [-]
- Weems, Carrie Mae (10) [-]
- Western Costume Company (10) [-]
- 20th Century Fox Film Corporation (9) [-]
- Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated (9) [-]
- Bailey, Pearl (9) [-]
- Goldman, Louis (9) [-]
- Harpo, Inc. (9) [-]
- Hepburn, Katharine Houghton (9) [-]
- King, Coretta Scott (9) [-]
- King, Martin Luther (9) [-]
- Riggs, Rita (9) [-]
- Robinson, Bill "Bojangles" (9) [-]
- Sampson, Kendrick (9) [-]
- The Links, Incorporated (9) [-]
- Carroll, Diahann (8) [-]
- Davis, Ossie (8) [-]
- Holiday, Billie (8) [-]
- Houghton, Katharine (8) [-]
- Johnson, Kyle (8) [-]
- Million Dollar Productions (8) [-]
- Nihda, Fred (8) [-]
- Nyong'o, Lupita Amondi (8) [-]
- Parks, Gordon (8) [-]
- Potter, Betsey (8) [-]
- Queen Latifah (8) [-]
- Reynolds, Steve (8) [-]
- Sutton, Isaac (8) [-]
- The Jeffersons (8) [-]
- Washington, Denzel (8) [-]
- BLD PWR (7) [-]
- Black Lives Matter - Los Angeles (7) [-]
- Ejiofor, Chiwetel (7) [-]
- Ellington, Duke (7) [-]
- Gurira, Danai Jekesai (7) [-]
- Jeffries, Herb (7) [-]
- Johnson Publishing Company (7) [-]
- Jones, James Earl (7) [-]
- Lacey, Jackie (7) [-]
- McNeil, Claudia (7) [-]
- Norman Studios (7) [-]
- Popkin, Harry M. (7) [-]
- Taylor, Clarice (7) [-]
- Toddy Pictures Company (7) [-]
- Tracy, Spencer (7) [-]
- Bloom Photography (6) [-]
- Cosby, Bill (6) [-]
- Dearing, Judy (6) [-]
- Goldberg, Whoopi (6) [-]
- Hawley, Monte (6) [-]
- Hemsley, Sherman Alexander (6) [-]
- Jordan, Michael B. (6) [-]
- King, Alberta (6) [-]
- Micheaux, Oscar (6) [-]
- Mitchell, Jack (6) [-]
- Photographs (207) [-]
- Portraits (136) [-]
- Lobby cards (53) [-]
- Theater programs (53) [-]
- Posters (52) [-]
- Digital media - born digital (45) [-]
- Film stills (36) [-]
- 16mm (photographic film size) (34) [-]
- Dresses (garments) (33) [-]
- Sound films (33) [-]
- Black-and-white films (visual works) (21) [-]
- Pigment prints (20) [-]
- Films (performing arts) (15) [-]
- Magazines (periodicals) (15) [-]
- Color films (visual works) (14) [-]
- Jackets (12) [-]
- Hats (10) [-]
- Rings (jewelry) (10) [-]
- Costume (9) [-]
- Ensembles (costume) (9) [-]
- Release prints (motion pictures) (9) [-]
- Suits (main garments) (8) [-]
- Tags (7) [-]
- Trousers (7) [-]
- Hatboxes (7) [-]
- Bags (costume accessories) (6) [-]
- Fliers (printed matter) (6) [-]
- Gloves (6) [-]
- Hardcover books (6) [-]
- Design drawings (5) [-]
- Shirts (5) [-]
- Shoes (footwear) (5) [-]
- Aprons (protective wear) (4) [-]
- Ashtrays (4) [-]
- Bags (containers) (4) [-]
- Belts (costume accessories) (4) [-]
- Documentaries (4) [-]
- Prints (4) [-]
- Programs (documents) (4) [-]
- Purses (bags) (4) [-]
- Sheet music (4) [-]
- Cloches (4) [-]
- Cuff links (4) [-]
- Digital media - born analog (4) [-]
- Jump suits (4) [-]
- Short subjects (4) [-]
- Silent films (4) [-]
- Wine glasses (4) [-]
- Armor (protective wear) (3) [-]
- Awards (3) [-]
- Buckles (strap accessories) (3) [-]
- Cases (containers) (3) [-]
- Coats (garments) (3) [-]
- Headgear (3) [-]
- Home movies (3) [-]
- Phonograph records (3) [-]
- Record covers (3) [-]
- Scrapbooks (3) [-]
- Sweat shirts (3) [-]
- T-shirts (3) [-]
- Trays (3) [-]
- Trophies (objects) (3) [-]
- Champagne glasses (3) [-]
- Microphones (3) [-]
- Pumps (shoes) (3) [-]
- Tuxedoes (3) [-]
- Waistcoats (3) [-]
- Window cards (3) [-]
- 35mm (photographic film size) (2) [-]
- Advertisements (2) [-]
- Audiocassettes (2) [-]
- Boots (2) [-]
- Boxes (containers) (2) [-]
- Broadsides (notices) (2) [-]
- Buttons (information artifacts) (2) [-]
- Capes (outerwear) (2) [-]
- Correspondence (2) [-]
- Drawings (2) [-]
- Hand mirrors (2) [-]
- Headdresses (2) [-]
- Paintings (2) [-]
- Pendants (jewelry) (2) [-]
- Perfume bottles (2) [-]
- Personal equipment: grooming, hygiene and health care (2) [-]
- Pins (jewelry) (2) [-]
- Playbills (2) [-]
- Postcards (2) [-]
- Press kits (2) [-]
- Printing plates (2) [-]
- Robes (main garments) (2) [-]
- Skirts (garments) (2) [-]
- Sound recordings (2) [-]
- Sweaters (2) [-]
- Tickets (2) [-]
- Tie tacks (2) [-]
- Vests (garments) (2) [-]
- Yearbooks (2) [-]
- Brassieres (2) [-]
- Coin purses (2) [-]
- Equipment for personal use: grooming, hygiene and health care (2) [-]
- North and Central America (602) [-]
- United States (601) [-]
- New York City (246) [-]
- Chicago (113) [-]
- Cook County (113) [-]
- Illinois (113) [-]
- California (63) [-]
- Georgia (38) [-]
- Atlanta (37) [-]
- Los Angeles (37) [-]
- Fulton County (35) [-]
- Harlem (31) [-]
- Manhattan (29) [-]
- Europe (27) [-]
- District of Columbia (26) [-]
- Washington (26) [-]
- Los Angeles County (24) [-]
- New York County (16) [-]
- Paris (10) [-]
- Tennessee (10) [-]
- Île-de-France (9) [-]
- Kansas (8) [-]
- Alabama (7) [-]
- Downtown LA (7) [-]
- Memphis (7) [-]
- Ohio (7) [-]
- Belgium (6) [-]
- Beverly Hills (6) [-]
- Culver City (6) [-]
- England (6) [-]
- Latin America (6) [-]
- Massachusetts (6) [-]
- North Carolina (6) [-]
- Shelby County (6) [-]
- Asia (5) [-]
- Boston (5) [-]
- Brooklyn (5) [-]
- Caribbean (5) [-]
- Hollywood (5) [-]
- New Jersey (5) [-]
- New York (5) [-]
- Suffolk County (5) [-]
- East End (4) [-]
- East Harlem (4) [-]
- London (4) [-]
- Missouri (4) [-]
- Pennsylvania (4) [-]
- Texas (4) [-]
- Africa (3) [-]
- Alameda County (3) [-]
- Clark County (3) [-]
- Cleveland (3) [-]
- Davidson County (3) [-]
- France (3) [-]
- Hudson County (3) [-]
- Jamaica (3) [-]
- Jefferson County (3) [-]
- Jersey City (3) [-]
- Mississippi (3) [-]
- Montgomery (3) [-]
- Nashville (3) [-]
- Oakland (3) [-]
- Oklahoma (3) [-]
- Saint Louis (3) [-]
- Wisconsin (3) [-]
- Argentina (2) [-]
- Arizona (2) [-]
- Arkansas (2) [-]
- Baltimore (2) [-]
- Birmingham (2) [-]
- Boley (2) [-]
- Cayuhoga County (2) [-]
- Dallas (2) [-]
- Detroit (2) [-]
- Florida (2) [-]
- Haiti (2) [-]
- Harris County (2) [-]
- Houston (2) [-]
- Italy (2) [-]
- Kentucky (2) [-]
- Louisiana (2) [-]
- Maryland (2) [-]
- Mexico (2) [-]
- Michigan (2) [-]
- Montgomery County (2) [-]
- Nassau County (2) [-]
- Nevada (2) [-]
- Okfuskee County (2) [-]
- Philadelphia (2) [-]
- Philippines (2) [-]
- San Francisco (2) [-]
- South Africa (2) [-]
- South America (2) [-]
- Virginia (2) [-]
- Wayne County (2) [-]
- 32 North Kentucky (1) [-]
- Acapulco de Juárez (1) [-]
- Adams County (1) [-]
- Allegheny County (1) [-]
- Astoria (1) [-]