Filter Results
- Literature (166) [-]
- Black Press (85) [-]
- Women (76) [-]
- Mass media (67) [-]
- BAM (Black Arts Movement 1965-1976) (55) [-]
- Civil rights (53) [-]
- Education (45) [-]
- Race relations (42) [-]
- Slavery (40) [-]
- Politics (38) [-]
- Associations and institutions (37) [-]
- Advertising (36) [-]
- Business (36) [-]
- Social reform (36) [-]
- Society (36) [-]
- Abolitionist movement (30) [-]
- Anti-slavery movements (29) [-]
- Activism (28) [-]
- Group identity (26) [-]
- Feminism (19) [-]
- Photography (18) [-]
- Religion (18) [-]
- U.S. History, 1865-1921 (18) [-]
- Art (16) [-]
- Discrimination (14) [-]
- Race (14) [-]
- Radio (14) [-]
- International affairs (13) [-]
- Family (12) [-]
- Harlem Renaissance (New Negro Movement) (11) [-]
- Language and languages (11) [-]
- Broadway Theatre (10) [-]
- Description and travel (10) [-]
- Lynching (10) [-]
- Segregation (10) [-]
- Theatre (10) [-]
- Violence (10) [-]
- Women's organizations (10) [-]
- Gender issues (9) [-]
- Modern dance (9) [-]
- Black Enterprise (8) [-]
- Black interiors (8) [-]
- Design (8) [-]
- Drama (Theatre) (8) [-]
- Labor unions (8) [-]
- Prisons (8) [-]
- U.S. History, 1961-1969 (8) [-]
- WW I (8) [-]
- World War, 1914-1918 (8) [-]
- Black power (7) [-]
- Colonies (7) [-]
- Communities (7) [-]
- Military (7) [-]
- Sexuality (7) [-]
- U.S. History, 1969-2001 (7) [-]
- Women's Club Movement (7) [-]
- Anti-Lynching Movement (6) [-]
- Music (6) [-]
- Resistance (6) [-]
- Children (5) [-]
- HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) (5) [-]
- Motion pictures (5) [-]
- Actors and actresses (4) [-]
- African diaspora (4) [-]
- Caricature and cartoons (4) [-]
- Clothing and dress (4) [-]
- Freedom (4) [-]
- LGBTQ (4) [-]
- Men (4) [-]
- Theatre companies (4) [-]
- Urban life (4) [-]
- American Indian Movements (3) [-]
- Chicano Movement / El Movimiento (3) [-]
- Costume (3) [-]
- Cvil Rights (3) [-]
- Folklife (3) [-]
- Graphic arts (3) [-]
- Jazz (Music) (3) [-]
- Justice (3) [-]
- Law (3) [-]
- Migrations (3) [-]
- Motherhood (3) [-]
- Race riots (3) [-]
- Singers (Musicians) (3) [-]
- Spirituality (3) [-]
- United States History (3) [-]
- American West (2) [-]
- Anti-apartheid movements (2) [-]
- Antislavery (2) [-]
- Communication (2) [-]
- Composers (Musicians) (2) [-]
- Correspondence (2) [-]
- French colonialism (2) [-]
- Government (2) [-]
- Great Migration (African American), 1910-1930 (2) [-]
- Health (2) [-]
- Hip-hop (Music) (2) [-]
- Holidays and festivals (2) [-]
- Journalism (2) [-]
- Du Bois, W. E. B. (William Edward Burghardt) (40) [-]
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (35) [-]
- Wheatley Peters, Phillis (34) [-]
- Broadside Press (32) [-]
- Shange, Ntozake (21) [-]
- The Crisis (16) [-]
- Cham, Robert (14) [-]
- Robinson, Brooks B. (14) [-]
- Clarke, John Henrik (13) [-]
- Devine, John (13) [-]
- Freedomways Associates, Inc. (13) [-]
- Jackson, Esther Cooper (13) [-]
- O'Dell, Jack (13) [-]
- Kaiser, Ernest D. (12) [-]
- Giovanni, Nikki (10) [-]
- Baraka, Amiri (9) [-]
- Moorhead, Scipio (8) [-]
- Rock Rest Tourist Home (8) [-]
- Sanchez, Sonia (8) [-]
- Sinclair, Clayton (8) [-]
- Sinclair, Hazel (8) [-]
- Fabio, Sarah (7) [-]
- Miller, Jonette O'Kelley (7) [-]
- Swope, Martha (7) [-]
- Brooks, Gwendolyn (6) [-]
- Cullen, Countee (6) [-]
- Hughes, Langston (6) [-]
- Makward, Edris (6) [-]
- Battey, C. M. (5) [-]
- Dunbar, Paul Laurence (5) [-]
- Harper & Brothers (5) [-]
- Hunt, Sharita Mae (5) [-]
- Lorde, Audre (5) [-]
- Madhubuti, Haki R. (5) [-]
- Randall, Dudley (5) [-]
- Walts, Frank (5) [-]
- Adams, John Henry (4) [-]
- Brandon, Brumsic (4) [-]
- Brown, John (4) [-]
- Clifton, Lucille (4) [-]
- Fauset, Jessie Redmon (4) [-]
- Furious Flower Poetry Center (4) [-]
- Johnson, James Weldon (4) [-]
- Reese, Roxanne (4) [-]
- Toomer, Jean (4) [-]
- Barboza, Anthony (3) [-]
- Black Fashion Museum (3) [-]
- Catlett, Elizabeth (3) [-]
- Danner, Margaret Esse (3) [-]
- Davis, Angela Y. (3) [-]
- Dearing, Judy (3) [-]
- Evans, Mari (3) [-]
- Hairston, Loyle (3) [-]
- Holup, Wopo (3) [-]
- Johnson, Georgia Douglas (3) [-]
- King, Martin Luther (3) [-]
- Knight, Etheridge (3) [-]
- Kunene, Daniel (3) [-]
- Long Madgett, Naomi (3) [-]
- Scurlock Studio (Washington, D.C.) (3) [-]
- Strong, Augusta (3) [-]
- Van Vechten, Carl (3) [-]
- Walker, Alice (3) [-]
- White, Charles (3) [-]
- Achebe, Chinua (2) [-]
- Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. (2) [-]
- Allen, Samuel (2) [-]
- Angelou, Maya (2) [-]
- Bingham, Caleb (2) [-]
- Bolden, Jason (2) [-]
- Bond, Jean Carey (2) [-]
- Booth Theatre (2) [-]
- Brown, William Wells (2) [-]
- Chapman, Frank (2) [-]
- Chesnutt, Charles W. (2) [-]
- Collins, Risë (2) [-]
- Covarrubias, Miguel (2) [-]
- Crukshank, Joseph (2) [-]
- Day, Mahlon (2) [-]
- Dennis Farm Charitable Land Trust (2) [-]
- Dodd, Mead and Company (2) [-]
- Du Bois, Shirley Graham (2) [-]
- Ellison, Ralph Waldo (2) [-]
- Erizku, Awol (2) [-]
- Feelings, Tom (2) [-]
- Fressinier, Jill (2) [-]
- Gabriel (2) [-]
- Gorman, Amanda S. C. (2) [-]
- Greenstein, Barry (2) [-]
- Greta Constantine (2) [-]
- Hampton Institute Camera Club (2) [-]
- Harcourt, Brace & Howe (2) [-]
- Harrington, Ollie (2) [-]
- Harris, Lorenzo W. (2) [-]
- Hayden, Robert (2) [-]
- Hemphill, Essex (2) [-]
- Henry, David (2) [-]
- Hershaw, Lafayette M. (2) [-]
- Hilliard, David (2) [-]
- Hurst & Company (2) [-]
- Magazines (periodicals) (57) [-]
- Hardcover books (34) [-]
- Poems (31) [-]
- Books (26) [-]
- Photographs (20) [-]
- Portraits (14) [-]
- Audiocassettes (7) [-]
- Audiotapes (7) [-]
- Booklets (5) [-]
- Posters (5) [-]
- Advertisements (3) [-]
- Dresses (garments) (3) [-]
- Lithographs (3) [-]
- Newspapers (3) [-]
- Pamphlets (3) [-]
- Playbills (3) [-]
- 16mm (photographic film size) (2) [-]
- Collages (visual works) (2) [-]
- Fliers (printed matter) (2) [-]
- Journals (accounts) (2) [-]
- Multimedia works (2) [-]
- Phonograph records (2) [-]
- Record covers (2) [-]
- Color films (visual works) (2) [-]
- Sound films (2) [-]
- Articles (1) [-]
- Broadsides (notices) (1) [-]
- Documents (1) [-]
- Essays (1) [-]
- Lobby cards (1) [-]
- Manuscripts (1) [-]
- Masks (1) [-]
- Mugs (1) [-]
- Obituaries (1) [-]
- Plaques (flat objects) (1) [-]
- Portfolios (containers) (1) [-]
- Sweat shirts (1) [-]
- Xerographic copies (1) [-]
- Elegies (1) [-]
- Pigment prints (1) [-]
- Sheets (information artifacts) (1) [-]
- 1770s (7) [-]
- 1780s (6) [-]
- 1790s (2) [-]
- 1800s (5) [-]
- 1810s (2) [-]
- 1820s (1) [-]
- 1830s (5) [-]
- 1840s (1) [-]
- 1860s (1) [-]
- 1870s (2) [-]
- 1880s (2) [-]
- 1890s (2) [-]
- 1900s (6) [-]
- 1910s (37) [-]
- 1920s (14) [-]
- 1930s (5) [-]
- 1940s (6) [-]
- 1950s (4) [-]
- 1960s (28) [-]
- 1970s (64) [-]
- 1980s (10) [-]
- 1990s (15) [-]
- 2000s (11) [-]
- 2010s (7) [-]
- 2020s (2) [-]
- North and Central America (185) [-]
- United States (185) [-]
- New York City (86) [-]
- Michigan (36) [-]
- Detroit (34) [-]
- Wayne County (34) [-]
- Massachusetts (17) [-]
- Europe (15) [-]
- Boston (14) [-]
- Suffolk County (13) [-]
- Illinois (12) [-]
- Caribbean (10) [-]
- England (10) [-]
- Latin America (10) [-]
- Pennsylvania (10) [-]
- Chicago (9) [-]
- District of Columbia (9) [-]
- London (9) [-]
- Philadelphia (9) [-]
- Washington (9) [-]
- Cook County (8) [-]
- Kittery (8) [-]
- Maine (8) [-]
- West Africa (8) [-]
- York County (8) [-]
- New York (7) [-]
- Asia (6) [-]
- South Africa (6) [-]
- Africa (5) [-]
- California (5) [-]
- Harlem (5) [-]
- Maryland (5) [-]
- Baltimore (4) [-]
- East Africa (4) [-]
- France (4) [-]
- Haiti (4) [-]
- Nigeria (4) [-]
- Texas (4) [-]
- United Kingdom (4) [-]
- Ghana (3) [-]
- Harris County (3) [-]
- Houston (3) [-]
- Los Angeles (3) [-]
- Manhattan County (3) [-]
- Middlesex County (3) [-]
- Southern Africa (3) [-]
- Viet Nam (3) [-]
- Virginia (3) [-]
- Alabama (2) [-]
- Alameda County (2) [-]
- Albany (2) [-]
- Albany County (2) [-]
- Cambridge (2) [-]
- Clark County (2) [-]
- Cuba (2) [-]
- East Saint Louis (2) [-]
- Ethiopia (2) [-]
- Hampton (2) [-]
- Los Angeles County (2) [-]
- Mississippi (2) [-]
- New York County (2) [-]
- Puerto Rico (2) [-]
- San Francisco (2) [-]
- Senegal (2) [-]
- South America (2) [-]
- St. Clair County (2) [-]
- Wisconsin (2) [-]
- 1820 S. Michigan Avenue (1) [-]
- Ablemarle County (1) [-]
- Allegheny County (1) [-]
- Amenia (1) [-]
- Anacostia (1) [-]
- Andalusia (1) [-]
- Attica (1) [-]
- Bangladesh (1) [-]
- Barbados (1) [-]
- Bronx County (1) [-]
- Canada (1) [-]
- Charlottesville (1) [-]
- Cheshire County (1) [-]
- Clinton County (1) [-]
- Colombia (1) [-]
- Covington County (1) [-]
- Dakar (1) [-]
- Dallas (1) [-]
- Dallas County (1) [-]
- Dannemora (1) [-]
- Dutchess County (1) [-]
- Elmore County (1) [-]
- Evanston (1) [-]
- Flint (1) [-]
- Florida (1) [-]
- Gauteng (1) [-]
- Genesee County (1) [-]
- Georgia (1) [-]
- Guinea-Bissau (1) [-]
- Idlewild (1) [-]
- India (1) [-]
- Inglewood (1) [-]
- Johannesburg (1) [-]