Filter Results
- Religion (161) [-]
- The Black Church (103) [-]
- Photography (102) [-]
- Communities (54) [-]
- Segregation (41) [-]
- Prayer (27) [-]
- Men (22) [-]
- American South (20) [-]
- Preaching (20) [-]
- African Methodist Episcopal (19) [-]
- Military (17) [-]
- Religious rituals and ceremonies (16) [-]
- Black Hebraic religions (13) [-]
- Judaism (13) [-]
- Women (9) [-]
- Children (8) [-]
- American West (7) [-]
- Clothing and dress (7) [-]
- Rural life (7) [-]
- African diaspora (6) [-]
- Holidays and festivals (6) [-]
- Music (6) [-]
- Oratory (6) [-]
- Pentecostal (6) [-]
- Singers (Musicians) (6) [-]
- Dance (5) [-]
- Description and travel (5) [-]
- Faith (5) [-]
- Gospel (Music) (5) [-]
- Group identity (5) [-]
- Instrumentalists (Musicians) (5) [-]
- Slavery (5) [-]
- Spirituality (5) [-]
- Family (4) [-]
- Literature (4) [-]
- Society (4) [-]
- Urban life (4) [-]
- Activism (3) [-]
- Black Enterprise (3) [-]
- Black Lives Matter (3) [-]
- Black interiors (3) [-]
- Civil rights (3) [-]
- Emigration and immigration (3) [-]
- Funeral rites and ceremonies (3) [-]
- Justice (3) [-]
- U.S. History, 1961-1969 (3) [-]
- U.S. History, 2001- (3) [-]
- Violence (3) [-]
- Advertising (2) [-]
- Amusements (2) [-]
- Architecture (2) [-]
- Art (2) [-]
- Design (2) [-]
- Education (2) [-]
- Marriage (2) [-]
- Motion pictures (2) [-]
- Ornamentation (2) [-]
- Radio (2) [-]
- Rastafarianism (2) [-]
- Anti-slavery movements (1) [-]
- Antislavery (1) [-]
- Associations and institutions (1) [-]
- BAM (Black Arts Movement 1965-1976) (1) [-]
- Band (Music) (1) [-]
- Barbershops (1) [-]
- Black Nationalism (1) [-]
- Business (1) [-]
- Christian Methodist Episcopal (1) [-]
- Communication (1) [-]
- Cvil Rights (1) [-]
- Domestic life (1) [-]
- Emancipation (1) [-]
- Episcopalian (1) [-]
- Fatherhood (1) [-]
- Free communities of color (1) [-]
- Great Migration (African American), 1910-1930 (1) [-]
- HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) (1) [-]
- Hip-hop (Music) (1) [-]
- Mass media (1) [-]
- Middle Passage (1) [-]
- Migrations (1) [-]
- Politics (1) [-]
- Presbyterian (1) [-]
- Race relations (1) [-]
- Race riots (1) [-]
- Reconstruction, U.S. History, 1865-1877 (1) [-]
- Social reform (1) [-]
- Spirituals (Music) (1) [-]
- Spoken word (Poetry) (1) [-]
- Tulsa Race Massacre (1) [-]
- U.S. History, 1815-1861 (1) [-]
- U.S. History, 1865-1921 (1) [-]
- U.S. History, 1919-1933 (1) [-]
- U.S. History, 1969-2001 (1) [-]
- Religious practices (1) [-]
- Johnson, Jason Miccolo (45) [-]
- Beasley, Louis J. (17) [-]
- Anderson, Henry Clay (16) [-]
- United States Army (15) [-]
- Commandment Keepers Ethiopian Hebrew Congregation of the Living God Pillar and Ground of Truth, Inc. (10) [-]
- Alland, Alexander (9) [-]
- The Saint Augustine Catholic Church of New Orleans (9) [-]
- Alfred Street Baptist Church (5) [-]
- Metropolitan Baptist Church (5) [-]
- Higgins, Chester (4) [-]
- Royster, Kenneth (4) [-]
- Wayman Chapel A.M.E. Church (4) [-]
- Williams, Milton (4) [-]
- Abyssinian Baptist Church (3) [-]
- Bethel AME Church - Baltimore (3) [-]
- Conley, Beverly (3) [-]
- First African Methodist Episcopal Church of Los Angeles (3) [-]
- Greater Mount Calvary Holy Church (3) [-]
- Martin, Trayvon (3) [-]
- Metropolitan AME Church (3) [-]
- Rock Rest Tourist Home (3) [-]
- Sinclair, Clayton (3) [-]
- Sinclair, Hazel (3) [-]
- Wesley, Howard-John (3) [-]
- Apostolic Church of God (2) [-]
- Beth Shalom B'nai Zaken Ethiopian Hebrew Congregation (2) [-]
- Butts, Calvin O. (2) [-]
- Dorsey, Thomas Andrew (2) [-]
- Ellis, Tiffany Anne (2) [-]
- Espada, Frank (2) [-]
- First Baptist Church of Norfolk (2) [-]
- Greater Allen AME Cathedral of New York (2) [-]
- Holman, Michael (2) [-]
- Jacob & Josef Kohn (2) [-]
- Jones, S. S. (2) [-]
- King, Martin Luther (2) [-]
- Matthew, Wentworth Arthur (2) [-]
- National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. (2) [-]
- New Jerusalem Temple Bible Way Church (2) [-]
- Reid Temple A.M.E. Church (2) [-]
- Selassie, Haile (2) [-]
- Sixth Mount Zion Baptist Chuch (2) [-]
- St. Augustine High School (2) [-]
- Sunday School Publishing Board (2) [-]
- The Cable Piano Company (2) [-]
- The Church Haile Selassie I (2) [-]
- Townsend, Arthur Melvin (2) [-]
- Townsend, Willa Ann Hadley (2) [-]
- Wood, Pauline Thompson (2) [-]
- Yearwood, Lloyd W. (2) [-]
- Adams-Harris, Vanessa (1) [-]
- African Methodist Episcopal Church (1) [-]
- Alexander, Claude Richard (1) [-]
- Allen Temple Baptist Church (1) [-]
- Amin, Derrick (1) [-]
- Anderson Scott (1) [-]
- Anderson, Akili Ron (1) [-]
- Bentley and Simon, Inc. (1) [-]
- Berrigan, Philip Francis (1) [-]
- Bey, Dawoud (1) [-]
- Black Point Editions (1) [-]
- Brooks, R. W. (1) [-]
- Brooks, Vivica (1) [-]
- Browning, Grainger (1) [-]
- Browning, Jo Ann (1) [-]
- C. M. Almy & Son (1) [-]
- Campbell, Joseph Aaron (1) [-]
- Carolina Missionary Baptist Church (1) [-]
- Catholic Book Publishing Corporation (1) [-]
- Catto, William T. (1) [-]
- Charles Street African Methodist Episcopal Church (1) [-]
- Christ Missionary Baptist Church (1) [-]
- Church of God in Christ (1) [-]
- Cleveland Colored Quintet (1) [-]
- Cohea, Victor H. (1) [-]
- Collins, Bert (1) [-]
- Continental Silver Company (1) [-]
- Daniels, B. J. (1) [-]
- Davis, Elizabeth H. (1) [-]
- DeGail Morris, Lisha (1) [-]
- Doré, David Matthew (1) [-]
- Ebenezer African Methodist Episcopal Church (1) [-]
- Ebenezer Baptist Church (1) [-]
- Eikerenkoetter, Frederick J. (1) [-]
- El-Hadi, Suliaman (1) [-]
- Evangel Fellowship Church of God in Christ (1) [-]
- First African Presbyterian Church (1) [-]
- First Baptist Church of Glenarden (1) [-]
- Flake, Floyd Harold (1) [-]
- Fowler, Christine (1) [-]
- Freed, Leonard (1) [-]
- Funnye, Capers (1) [-]
- Gloucester, John (1) [-]
- Grant, Jacquelyn (1) [-]
- Greater Middle Baptist Church (1) [-]
- Greater St. Peter Missionary Baptist Church (1) [-]
- Hall, Charles (1) [-]
- Hawkins, Bill (1) [-]
- Hill, Edward Victor (1) [-]
- Hobbs, Michael D. (1) [-]
- Photographs (101) [-]
- Portraits (29) [-]
- Communion sets (16) [-]
- Chairs (furniture forms) (9) [-]
- Candlestands (furniture) (9) [-]
- Home movies (4) [-]
- Silent films (4) [-]
- Armchairs (3) [-]
- Hardcover books (3) [-]
- Rattles (3) [-]
- 16mm (photographic film size) (2) [-]
- Advertising cards (2) [-]
- Altars (religious building fixtures) (2) [-]
- DVDs (2) [-]
- Prints (2) [-]
- Programs (documents) (2) [-]
- Sermons (2) [-]
- Videodiscs (video recording disks) (2) [-]
- Black-and-white films (visual works) (2) [-]
- Color films (visual works) (2) [-]
- Fetters (2) [-]
- Pigment prints (2) [-]
- Stoles (vestments) (2) [-]
- 3D models (1) [-]
- 45 rpm records (1) [-]
- 8mm (photographic film size) (1) [-]
- Audio equipment (1) [-]
- Books (1) [-]
- Broadsides (notices) (1) [-]
- Ceremonial costume (1) [-]
- Lithographs (1) [-]
- Pews (1) [-]
- Photomechanical prints (1) [-]
- Scrolls (information artifacts) (1) [-]
- Sculpture (1) [-]
- Shofars (1) [-]
- Super 8 (1) [-]
- Sweat shirts (1) [-]
- Academic robes (1) [-]
- Baby grand pianos (1) [-]
- Carbon prints (1) [-]
- Ceremonial robes (1) [-]
- Copes (1) [-]
- Crosses (objects) (1) [-]
- Digital media - born analog (1) [-]
- Digital media - born digital (1) [-]
- Hoods (headgear) (1) [-]
- Kneelers (religious building fixtures) (1) [-]
- Machine-readable artifacts (1) [-]
- Piano benches (1) [-]
- Podiums (platforms) (1) [-]
- Prayer beads (1) [-]
- Prayer rugs (1) [-]
- Pulpits (1) [-]
- Seats and seat components (1) [-]
- Vestments (1) [-]
- United States (168) [-]
- North and Central America (153) [-]
- New York City (22) [-]
- District of Columbia (19) [-]
- Washington (19) [-]
- Greenville (18) [-]
- Mississippi (18) [-]
- Washington County (18) [-]
- Maryland (14) [-]
- Harlem (13) [-]
- Louisiana (12) [-]
- New Orleans (12) [-]
- Chicago (10) [-]
- Cook County (10) [-]
- Illinois (10) [-]
- Virginia (10) [-]
- Prince George's County (9) [-]
- Tennessee (7) [-]
- Europe (6) [-]
- Massachusetts (6) [-]
- Alexandria (5) [-]
- Baltimore (5) [-]
- Orleans Parish (5) [-]
- Suffolk County (5) [-]
- Boston (4) [-]
- Brooklyn (4) [-]
- California (4) [-]
- Georgia (4) [-]
- Gibson County (4) [-]
- Indiana (4) [-]
- Lyles Station (4) [-]
- Memphis (4) [-]
- Shelby County (4) [-]
- West Africa (4) [-]
- Chatham County (3) [-]
- Davidson County (3) [-]
- Detroit (3) [-]
- Kittery (3) [-]
- Los Angeles (3) [-]
- Maine (3) [-]
- Michigan (3) [-]
- Nashville (3) [-]
- New York County (3) [-]
- Oklahoma (3) [-]
- Roxbury (3) [-]
- Savannah (3) [-]
- South Carolina (3) [-]
- Wayne County (3) [-]
- York County (3) [-]
- Caribbean (2) [-]
- East New York (2) [-]
- England (2) [-]
- Glenarden (2) [-]
- Italy (2) [-]
- Kings County (2) [-]
- Lanham (2) [-]
- Largo (2) [-]
- Latin America (2) [-]
- London (2) [-]
- New Jersey (2) [-]
- Norfolk (2) [-]
- Pennsylvania (2) [-]
- Puerto Rico (2) [-]
- Richmond (2) [-]
- United Kingdom (2) [-]
- 1530 6th Ave N (1) [-]
- Alabama (1) [-]
- Alameda County (1) [-]
- Amherstdale (1) [-]
- Aquitaine (1) [-]
- Atlanta (1) [-]
- Beaufort County (1) [-]
- Brockton (1) [-]
- Calais (1) [-]
- Camden County (1) [-]
- Cape Verde (1) [-]
- Charleston County (1) [-]
- Chester (1) [-]
- Cleveland (1) [-]
- Cuyahoga County (1) [-]
- Daufuskie Island (1) [-]
- Delaware County (1) [-]
- Dover (1) [-]
- East Orange (1) [-]
- Essex County (1) [-]
- Fort Washington (1) [-]
- France (1) [-]
- Frankfurt (1) [-]
- Fulton County (1) [-]
- Germany (1) [-]
- Greensboro (1) [-]
- Guilford County (1) [-]
- Haddonfield (1) [-]
- Hesse (1) [-]
- Hyattsville (1) [-]
- Jamaica (1) [-]
- Johns Island (1) [-]
- Kent (1) [-]
- Lancashire (1) [-]
- Lancaster (1) [-]