Many Lenses

Taíno Figure

Some scholars contend the indigenous populations of the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico, often referred to under the umbrella term “Taíno”, ceased to exist just decades after the first Europeans arrived. Others have chronicled Taíno legacies in contemporary Latino Caribbean culture and assert descendant populations' presence today.
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Many Lenses


Lowriders are cars that express identities — social, cultural, aesthetic. With their extended bodies and low to the road roll, the cars have been a vehicle of choice for cruising, a popular pastime in many American communities.
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Many Lenses

Buffalo Soldiers

As subjects of both historical study and popular legend, the African American servicemen known as “Buffalo Soldiers” continue to provoke conversations.
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Many Lenses

An Evolution of Expression

Quilting is a tradition that crosses cultures, genders, and eras, evolving to include a variety of styles and symbols enriched by the blending of cultural traditions.
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Many Lenses

Mirroring History

This silver-plated tea set may appear on the surface to be a simple assortment of serving containers. But what has this set seen, what has it heard?
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Many Lenses

Grounds for Solidarity

The National Mall is a seat of democracy, a site for protest, and the home of the Smithsonian Institution. These truths converged in 1968, when antipoverty demonstrators staged a six-week campaign on “America’s front yard.”
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