On View
1968 & Beyond Gallery
A Changing America: 1968 and Beyond
Written by
Wallace, Michele, American, born 1952
Published by
Dial Press, 1923 - 1985
ink on paper, cardboard, and synthetic fiber
H x W x D (closed): 8 1/2 × 5 3/4 × 7/8 in. (21.6 × 14.6 × 2.2 cm)
H x W x D (open): 8 1/2 × 12 1/8 × 7/8 in. (21.6 × 30.8 × 2.2 cm)
Hardback copy of Michele Wallace's Black Macho & the Myth of the Superwoman book. Paper cover is off-white with black, red, and pink type. Front of paper cover reads [BLACK/MACHO] in red, with [& the Myth of the] underneath in black, with [SUPER-/WOMAN] underneath in pink letters with black shadow, with ["I am saying ...there is a profound distrust, if not hatred, between black/men and black women that has been nursed along largely by white/racism but also by an almost deliberate ignorance on the part of blacks/about the sexual politics of their expereience in this country."/Michele Wallace] at the bottom in black, various sized, types. Hardback cover itself is mustard yellow with black binding. Interior pages, 182 pages total, are off-white with black type, front and back. Back of paper cover has a black-and-white image of Michele Wallace (frontal bust view) by Faith Ringgold, in a turtleneck with scarf wrapped around her head. Underneath the image has multiple reviews of the book and Michele Wallace's writing, by Gloria Steinem, Alice Walker, Susan Brownmiller, and Robin Morgan, in black type. There is a red star stamped onto the bottom edge of the book pages.
Spine of jacket reads "Wallace (horizontal) / BLACK MACHO & the Myth of the SUPER WOMAN / The Dial Press (horizontal)". Spine of book has metallic copper text reading "WALLACE / BLACK MACHO / AND THE MYTH / OF THE / SUPERWOMAN / THE DIAL PRESS" and the logo for the press beneath its name.
Books and Published Materials
Credit Line
Collection of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, Anonymous Gift
Object number
Restrictions & Rights
© Michelle Wallace 1979
Permission required for use. Proper usage is the responsibility of the user.

Cataloging is an ongoing process and we may update this record as we conduct additional research and review. If you have more information about this object, please contact us at NMAAHCDigiTeam@si.edu

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