On View
CAAMA Gallery
Written by
Morrison, Toni, American, 1931 - 2019
Published by
Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., American, founded 1915
ink on paper, cardboard, plastic, and synthetic fiber
H x W x D (closed): 9 1/2 × 6 3/4 × 1 1/2 in. (24.1 × 17.1 × 3.8 cm)
H x W x D (open): 9 1/2 × 14 5/16 × 1 1/2 in. (24.1 × 36.4 × 3.8 cm)
A hardback copy of "Beloved: A Novel" by Toni Morrison. The book has a paper dust jacket with a clear plastic cover. The jacket is white with red, black, and green type. The front of the jacket reads: "BELOVED / A NOVEL / TONI / MORRISON". The back of the jacket has a black-and-white head shot of Toni Morrison wearing a dark cardigan, hoop earrings, and smiling at the camera in a posed stance. Text printed on the spine of the jacket reads: "BELOVED / TONI / MORRISON / ALFRED A. KNOPF" with a running animal logo above the Knopf text. Black text is printed on the front and back interior flaps of the jacket with a plot synopsis and author biography. The hardback book itself is off-white with silver metallic embossed design on the front of the face of a winged person inside a half-circle and type on the spine reading: "Toni Morrison BELOVED Knopf [oriented horizontal]." On the back cover of the book in the lower right facing corner the Knopf running animal logo is stamped into the paper with no coloring. The interior pages, two hundred seventy-five in total, front and back, are off-white paper with black type, and no images.
Books and Published Materials
American South
Credit Line
Collection of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, Anonymous Gift
Object number
Restrictions & Rights
© 1987 Toni Morrison
Permission required for use. Proper usage is the responsibility of the user.

Cataloging is an ongoing process and we may update this record as we conduct additional research and review. If you have more information about this object, please contact us at NMAAHCDigiTeam@si.edu

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